This is repository for SpaFHy_v1 source code (under MIT copyright licence).
Launiainen, S., Guan, M., Salmivaara, A., and Kieloaho, A.-J.: Modeling boreal forest evapotranspiration and water balance at stand and catchment scales: a spatial approach, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci.,
Contains working examples of catchment scale and point-scale models (with example data).
To run the model:
clone repository
create folder '/results'
change file paths accordingly in spafhy_parameters
To run catchment-scale model, see demo_spafhy_C3. append parent folder to sys.path if necessary
To run point-scale model, see demo_spafhy_point. append parent folder to sys.path if necessary
/data - contains necessary example data
/misc - old and obsolete stuff; may be re-cyclable
/FigsC3 - figures etc.
/results - (create manually!) to store results.
Tested in Py 3.6, should also work with 2.7. Required packages: os, sys, numpy, pandas, NetCDF4, pickle, scipy, matplotlib, (seaborn for plotting) Pandas is constantly evolving so depending on version some fixes may be necessary.
Antti: can you check through the codes and required versions of packages. Also, test using 2.7
Contact: [email protected]