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In silico serotyping, finetyping and Bexsero antigen sequence typing of Neisseria meningitidis


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In silico typing of Neisseria meningitidis contigs

  • Serotyping
  • MLST
  • Finetyping (porA, fetA, porB)
  • Bexsero antigen sequence typing (BAST) (fHbp, NHBA, NadA, PorA)
  • MenDeVAR (Meningococcal Deduced Vaccine Antigen Reactivity) Index

Quick start

# install
$ pip install git+

# just serotype
$ meningotype *.fna

NMA.fasta  A          ctrA

# type lots of files at once and include all typing results
$ meningotype --all *.fna

SAMPLE_ID       SEROGROUP       ctrA    MLST    PorA      FetA    PorB          fHbp    NHBA    NadA    BAST    Bexsero MenDeVAR        Trumenba MenDeVAR
A.fna           A               ctrA    4       7,13-1    F1-5    NEIS2020_28   5       29      0       639     insufficient data       insufficient data
B.fna           B               ctrA    8       5-2,10-1  F3-6    NEIS2020_12   16      20      8       150     exact match             cross-reactive
C.fna           C               ctrA    177     21,26-2   F1-5    NEIS2020_3    17      101     9       118     insufficient data       insufficient data
W.fna           W               ctrA    11      5,2       F1-1    NEIS2020_244  623     29      6       141     cross-reactive          insufficient data
X.fna           X               ctrA    181     5-1,10-1  F4-23   NEIS2020_509  391     358     0       3042    insufficient data       insufficient data
Y.fna           Y               ctrA    23      5-2,10-1  F4-1    NEIS2020_67   25      7       0       228     insufficient data       cross-reactive




The easiest way of installing meningotype is using conda, which will install all required dependencies:

$ conda create -n meningotype -c bioconda meningotype


Once installed, you can run the following to ensure meningotype is successfully working:

$ meningotype --version
meningotype v0.9.0

$ meningotype --checkdeps
Checking dependencies:
isPcr .......   Found "/home/user/bin/isPcr" .......   [OK]
blastn .......  Found "/home/user/bin/blastn" .......  [OK]
blastx .......  Found "/home/user/bin/blastx" .......  [OK]
mlst .......    Found "/home/user/bin/mlst" .......    [OK]

$ meningotype --test

If everything works, you will see the following:

$ meningotype --test
Running meningotype on test examples ... 
$ meningotype A.fna B.fna C.fna W.fna X.fna Y.fna
SAMPLE_ID       SEROGROUP       ctrA
A.fna           A               ctrA
B.fna           B               ctrA
C.fna           C               ctrA
W.fna           W               ctrA
X.fna           X               ctrA
Y.fna           Y               ctrA

or to check finetyping:

$ meningotype --test --finetype
Running meningotype on test examples ... 
$ meningotype A.fna B.fna C.fna W.fna X.fna Y.fna
SAMPLE_ID       SEROGROUP       ctrA    PorA      FetA
A.fna           A               ctrA    7,13-1    F1-5
B.fna           B               ctrA    5-2,10-1  F3-6
C.fna           C               ctrA    21,26-2   F1-5
W.fna           W               ctrA    5,2       F1-1
X.fna           X               ctrA    5-1,10-1  F4-23
Y.fna           Y               ctrA    5-2,10-1  F4-1

or to check finetyping and Bexsero antigen sequence typing and MenDeVAR Vaccine Antigen Reactivity Index:

$ meningotype --test --all
Running on test examples ... 
$ A.fna B.fna C.fna W.fna X.fna Y.fna
SAMPLE_ID       SEROGROUP       ctrA    MLST    PorA      FetA    PorB          fHbp    NHBA    NadA    BAST    Bexsero MenDeVAR        Trumenba MenDeVAR
A.fna           A               ctrA    4       7,13-1    F1-5    NEIS2020_28   5       29      0       639     insufficient data       insufficient data
B.fna           B               ctrA    8       5-2,10-1  F3-6    NEIS2020_12   16      20      8       150     exact match             cross-reactive
C.fna           C               ctrA    177     21,26-2   F1-5    NEIS2020_3    17      101     9       118     insufficient data       insufficient data
W.fna           W               ctrA    11      5,2       F1-1    NEIS2020_244  623     29      6       141     cross-reactive          insufficient data
X.fna           X               ctrA    181     5-1,10-1  F4-23   NEIS2020_509  391     358     0       3042    insufficient data       insufficient data
Y.fna           Y               ctrA    23      5-2,10-1  F4-1    NEIS2020_67   25      7       0       228     insufficient data       cross-reactive


$ meningotype -h
  meningotype [OPTIONS] <fasta1> <fasta2> <fasta3> ... <fastaN>

In silico typing for Neisseria meningitidis
Default: Serotyping and ctrA PCR

PCR Serotyping Ref: Mothershed et al, J Clin Microbiol 2004; 42(1): 320-328
PorA and FetA typing Ref: Jolley et al, FEMS Microbiol Rev 2007; 31: 89-96
Bexsero antigen sequence typing (BAST) Ref: Brehony et al, Vaccine 2016; 34(39): 4690-4697
MenDeVAR Vaccine Reactivity Index Ref: Rodrigues et al. J Clin Microbiol. 2020; 59(1):e02161-20
See also

positional arguments:
  FASTA       input FASTA files eg. fasta1, fasta2, fasta3 ... fastaN

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  --finetype      perform porA and fetA fine typing (default=off)
  --porB          perform porB sequence typing (NEIS2020) (default=off)
  --bast          perform Bexsero antigen sequence typing (BAST) (default=off)
  --mlst          perform MLST (default=off)
  --all           perform MLST, porA, fetA, porB, BAST typing and MenDeVAR index (default=off)
  --db DB         specify custom directory containing allele databases for porA/fetA typing
                  directory must contain database files: "FetA_VR.fas", "PorA_VR1.fas", "PorA_VR2.fas"
                  for Bexsero typing: "fHbp_peptide.fas", "NHBA_peptide.fas", "NadA_peptide.fas", "BASTalleles.txt"
  --printseq DIR  specify directory to save extracted porA/fetA/porB or BAST allele sequences (default=off)
  --cpus CPUS     number of cpus to use in BLAST search (default=1)
  --updatedb      update allele database from <>
  --test          run test example
  --checkdeps     check dependencies are installed and exit
  --version       show program's version number and exit


To perform in silico serotyping on FASTA files:

$ meningotype <fasta1> <fasta2> <fasta3> ... <fastaN>`

The serotypes are printed in tab-separated format to stdout. To save results to a tab-separated text file, redirect stdout:

$ meningotype <fasta1> <fasta2> <fasta3> ... <fastaN>  > results.tsv

To perform in silico serotyping AND finetyping of the porA and fetA genes:

$ meningotype --finetype <fasta1> <fasta2> <fasta3> ... <fastaN>

To save finetyping sequences of the alleles to a file (eg. for uploading "new" sequences to

$ meningotype --finetype --printseq <fasta1> <fasta2> <fasta3> ... <fastaN>

These are placed into a folder called printseq in the current directory.

To perform in silico serotyping AND finetyping AND Bexsero antigen sequence typing AND determine the MenDeVAR Vaccine Antigen Reactivity Index

$ meningotype --all --printseq <fasta1> <fasta2> <fasta3> ... <fastaN>

The MenDeVAR index assigns each record one of four categories:

  1. Green / Exact match: isolate contains one or more exact sequence match(es) to antigenic variants found in the vaccine
  2. Amber / Cross-reactive: isolate contains one or more antigenic variant deemed cross-reactive to vaccine variants through experimental studies.
  3. Red / No match: all the isolate's antigenic variants have been deemed not cross-reactive to vaccine variants through experimental studies.
  4. Grey / Insufficient data: isolate contains antigens for which there is insufficient data available or which are yet to be tested in experimental studies.

Updating the allele databases

To update the allele databases from

$ meningotype --updatedb

A copy of the original database is saved to *.old, but is overwritten with each subsequent --updatedb. Ensure you back up your old databases if you wish to keep them.


Kwong JC, Gonçalves da Silva A, Stinear TP, Howden BP, Seemann T.
meningotype: in silico typing for Neisseria meningitidis.


Software Licence



  • Jason Kwong (@kwongjc)
  • Andreas Stroehlein (@stroehleina)
  • Anders Gonçalves da Silva (@drandersg)
  • Torsten Seemann (@torstenseemann)



In silico serotyping, finetyping and Bexsero antigen sequence typing of Neisseria meningitidis







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