📢 The NetworkDLS Standard Windows Function Library - a wide assortment of functions for windows and console programming.
NSWFL_MemoryPool The memory pool class is used to track memory allocations to ease the task of memory leak detection. It can be removed from release code with preprocessors.
NSWFL_Types Types used by NSWFL, currently empty. /shrug
NSWFL_Conversion Type conversions and parsers. Dates, strings, int, float, boolean, you name it.
NSWFL_DateTime Getting, comparing and converting various date/times.
NSWFL_KeyGeneration Random number an string generator.
NSWFL_ListBox Functions for working with WinAPI listboxes.
NSWFL_Math Its math. What did you expect?
NSWFL_Memory Memory operations, clear, set, copy, etc.
NSWFL_Registry Everyhting you need to access the registry.
NSWFL_String String manipulation.
NSWFL_System OS level functions, like get system name.
NSWFL_Windows Lots of functions for managing windows or anyhting with an HWND.
NSWFL_File File access functions.
NSWFL_Menu Functions for working with WinAPI menues.
NSWFL_ListView Functions for working with WinAPI listviews.
NSWFL_Graphics Graphics utilities, don't expect much.
NSWFL_Debug.H" Debugging functions.
NSWFL_InsecureInterface Fucntions to get around the stupid secure "_s" counterparts to the standard clib.
NSWFL_HighPrecisionTimer It's a hihg precision timer.
NSWFL_CommandLineParser Functions for parsing arguments passed to the command line.
NSWFL_StringBuilder A reasonable string builder for C++, finally!
NSWFL_StringBuilderArray A array of reasonable string builders for C++ (see what I did there?)
NSWFL_Base64 Base64 to and from.
NSWFL_VectorBinary A void* vector. Store what you will.
NSWFL_CRC32 CRC32 (cyclic redundancy check) calculation.
NSWFL_SHA1 SHA1 hashing functions.
NSWFL_Queue A FIFO queue for C++
NSWFL_Stack A FIFO or FILO stack for C++
NSWFL_VectorString A string vector class. Like NSWFL_VectorBinary is for void*, but for char*.
NSWFL_VectorT A vector template function.
NSWFL_XMLReader Class for reading and parsing XML.
NSWFL_XMLWriter Class for building and writing XML.
NSWFL_URLEncoding HTTP URL encoding.
NSWFL_IsolationLock An attempt to create a better critical section for thread locking.
NSWFL_DictionaryT A dictionary template class.
NSWFL_DictionaryString A dictionary of string(char*) class.
NSWFL_Network INET/TCP/IP functions. If you really want more, see https://github.com/NTDLS/CSocketServer
NSWFL_IntegerStack A stack of integers.
NSWFL_UIntegerStack A stack of unsigned integers.
NSWFL_Trace Used to keep track of a list of calls so that one can provide a stack trace.