(1.19.0 is an intermediate technical release)
New Features
- OpenID Connect (OIDC) single sign-on support (ELIXIR AAI as for example) #837
- The Insights Library module can be disabled #859
Data Node
- Enhanced naming for the result files #874
- Submission form auto-completing based on the file name #842
- Execution Engine online/offline status visualization OHDSI/ArachneNodeAPI#491
Bug Fixes
- Incidence Rates result table fix #849
- Submission results are not available by a URL until accepting a study invitation OHDSI/ArachneCentralAPI#749
- Studies listing improved when labels are long #841
- The results uploader should see the results before an approval OHDSI/ArachneCentralAPI#746
- Cohort Pathways chart items are not get stuck on the screen #852
- Error message improvement on the login form #845
- Navigation to a user profile is removed from the studies listing #839
- Analysis type can't be changed when an analysis has been initiated #847