Run the soft from terminal using python3 [-d input_path] [-o output_path] [-ind]
optional, defines the path to your data. Default is ~/data/ in the same folder.[-o]
optional, defines the path to your results. Default is ~/results/ in the same folder.[-ind]
optional, saves individual files. Default is one concatenated file.
You first have to go in the folder where is located using cd
. Exemple of use:
> cd /Users/Me/Downloads/SF36-scores-main/
> python3 -d /Users/Me/Documents/sf36/myData/ -o /Users/Me/Documents/sf36/myResults/ -ind
See more information in the documentation (not yet edited). WARNING: we use a version of the SF36 in which the order or the questions are different from original. See an exemple here SF36.pdf (not provided yet) to check your questions order. We used the guidelines "SF36 Health Survey - Manual and Interpretation Guide" from John E. Ware, Jr. PhD.
To cite this work:
Matthieu Gallou-Guyot. (2023). SF36-scores. Zenodo.