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Olly Butters edited this page Aug 7, 2020 · 12 revisions

The initial list of publications comes from Zotero (, so that needs to be set up first.

Zotero website

Assuming you have a Zotero account. If not make one.

Create a group

Call it whatever you want, add some blurb/images if you want. Note this should be a "group library" and not a "personal library".

Create some collections

Make a "collection" in the group library, you can call it anything you like. You can have multiple collections e.g.:

  • Abandoned
  • Published
  • Submitted

The pipeline will only work on one collection at once however.

Create an API key

Go to Settings > Feed/API

Create a key that has read only access to the group library. Make sure not to give access to anything else - your personal library or any other groups you may belong to.

Zotero client


Zotero is a mature piece of software with good use documentation (see so we don't go into much detail on how to use it here.

We do recommend installing the Zotero software (as opposed to just using the web interface as at the time of writing you cannot bulk upload publications to the web interface). Once installed you can connect to your Zotero account and all your lists of publications will sync across.

Putting information into zotero

There are a variety of ways of importing metadata into Zotero, it can be done individually by adding e.g. a DOI or PMID which then triggers Zotero to look up a subset of relevant metadata from We strongly suggest adding publications by PMID if relevant - this will lead to better metadata when the pipeline is run.

Bulk metadata can be imported into Zotero. An excellent (!) source of an example metadata set (in BibTeX format) is at