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Releases: PDF417/pdf417-ios


06 May 14:19
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  • Fixed localization
  • Removed unused hash functions


12 Apr 10:56
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Pdf417Mobi v8 Release Announcement

As of this version, Pdf417Mobi SDK is fully compatible with other Microblink SDKs, which means that you can use it with other Microblink SDKs in the same application.

New features:

  • We have full support for Apple Silicon!

Cocapods support change:

  • We are updating our Cocoapods with .xcframework format from now on. Please download Cocoapods 1.10.0 or newer to use our SDK.

Major API changes:

  • To ensure compatibilty with other Microblink SDKs, we have reprefixed all classes. All classes have MBB prefix instead of MB
  • We have renamed framework from Microblink to Pdf417Mobi

Minor API changes:

  • We've replaced Using time-limited license! warning with Using trial license! warning. The warning message is displayed when using a trial license key.
  • We've deprecated MBPdf417Recognizer — use MBBBarcodeRecognizer instead.


09 Nov 11:35
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New features:

  • Introducing support for new framework format - XCFramework:
    • it contains all the necessary device and simulator architecture slices
    • no neeed to remove simulator slices before distributing your app to the App Store as described here
    • for now, only available from this repo, not available on Cocoapods
  • We have translated complete SDK to following languages: Croatian, Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish, Malay, Dutch, Hungarian, Indonesian, Arabic(UAE), Romanian, Chinese traditional, Chinese simplified, Thai, Hewbrew and Vietnamese
  • We added disableMicroblinkLogging method to MBLogger for easier implementation
    • This also enables disabling Microblink logging in Swift

iOS version support change:

  • From now on, we are not supporting iOS 8 version.

Major API change:

  • We added errorCallback on MBMicroblinkSDK methods which needs to be implemented for properly setting up the license key.

Minor API changes:

  • Methods pauseScanning and resumeScanningAndResetState in MBRecognizerRunnerViewController do not return anymore BOOL
    • use isScanningPaused to check if scanning is paused
  • We renamed MBRecogitionMode to MBRecognitionDebugMode in MBRecognizerCollection
  • Swift:
    • We renamed all sharedInstance to shared
    • All enums are now Int
    • All unsigned integers are now Int


  • Fixed issue where recognizer's result state would not be the same as recognizer's runner state after finished scanning
  • Fixed issue when pressing immediately close button on overlay view controllers would freeze for couple of seconds SDK
  • Fixed memory leaks that could cause crashes in some cases
  • Fixed Torch activation for all iOS versions
  • We removed OpenGL entirely which was causing unexpected crashes
  • Large memory consumption introduced is due to 4K video session on all 4K eligible iPhones; we introduced new camera presets 1080p and 4K, so to reduce your app memory consumption set camera preset on 1080p or 720p
  • We added a nullable attribute to the recognizerRunnerViewControllerWithOverlayViewController to fix a force unwrapping issue in Swift that could occur if the camera is broken or not working
  • We fixed race conditions and camera asserts that could sometimes cause crashes


17 May 10:28
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  • Updates and additions

    • enabled capturing high resolution camera frames:
      When custom UI integration is performed, use - (void)captureHighResImage:(MBCaptureHighResImage)highResoulutionImageCaptured on MBRecognizerRunnerViewController
      When using provided scan overlay view controllers, high resolution full camera frames taken at the moment of successful scan are returned if this option is enabled through MBOverlaySettings.
    • switched to using HTTPS in podspec for Cocoapods
  • Bug fixes

    • fixed bug where SDK crashed with exception when the user wanted to use custom resource bundle
    • updated overlay view controllers for iPhone X Series
    • fix memory issue while using current frame grabber
    • fixed a crash which happened when scanning region was set before overlay view controller loaded, but after it was initialized
    • fixed missing init in MBDotsResultSubview for Swift
  • Minor API changes

    • isScanningUnsupportedForCameraType: is now class method of MBMicroblinkSDK
    • partialRecognitionTimeout in MBRecognizerCollection default value has been changed to 0 which means no timeout will be reported in which partial scanning results will be returned to the user


06 Aug 15:38
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  • Bug fixes

    • fixed crash when changing recognizers on the fly
  • Minor API changes

    • removed uiSettings property from MBBarcodeOverlaySettings and it no longer has recognizerCollection property
    • MBBarcodeOverlayViewController has new init which has (MBRecognizerCollection *)recognizerCollection as parameter and andDelegate parameter has been renamed to delegate
    • MBOverlayViewControllerInterface has been removed; when creating custom overlay view controller, MBCustomOverlayViewController has to be inherited
      • please check our updated Samples
    • MBBarcodeOverlayViewControllerDelegate methods has been renamed to barcodeOverlayViewControllerDidFinishScanning and barcodeOverlayViewControllerDidTapClose


07 Mar 15:49
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  • new API, which is not backward compatible. Please check README and updated demo applications for more information, but the gist of it is:
    • PPScanningViewController has been renamed to MBRecognizerRunnerViewController and MBCoordinator to MBRecognizerRunner
    • PPBarcodeOverlayViewController has been renamed to MBBarcodeOverlayViewController
    • previously internal MBRecognizer objects are not internal anymore - instead of having opaque MBRecognizerSettings and MBRecognizerResult objects, you now have stateful MBRecognizer object that contains its MBResult within and mutates it while performing recognition. For more information, see README and updated demo applications
  • new licence format, which is not backward compatible. Full details are given in README and in updated applications, but the gist of it is:
    • licence can now be provided with either file, byte array or base64-encoded bytes


11 Sep 09:38
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  • Updates and additions

    • Added Barcode Recognizer PPBarcodeRecognizerResult and PPBarcodeRecognizerSettings
    • Deprecated PPBarDecoderRecognizerResult and PPBarDecoderRecognizerSettings. Use Barcode Recognizer
    • Deprecated PPZXingRecognizerResult and PPZXingRecognizerSettings. Use Barcode Recognize
  • Bug fixes

    • fixed crash in QR code which happened periodically in all recognizers
    • fixed crash in Aztec reader
    • MicroBlink executable is removed in Resources bundle
    • fixed scanning when using PDF417 and USDL at the same time
  • Minor API changes

    • removed option to scan 1D Code39 and Code128 barcodes on US Driver's licenses that contain those barcodes alongside PDF417 barcode
  • Improvements for existing features

    • improved USDLRecognizer - added support for new USDL standard
    • CFBundleShortVersionString is now updated with each release


28 Jun 16:36
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  • Bugfixes:
    • Fixed PPBarcodeRecognizerResult's barcodeType property


28 Jun 10:11
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  • Updates and additions:

    • Microblink.framework is now a dynamic framework. The change is introduced because of the following reasons:

      • isolation of code
      • better interop with third party libraries
    • Improved Screen shown when Camera permission is not granted:

      • fixed crash which happened on tap anywhere on screen
      • close button can now be removed (for example, if the scanning screen is inside UINavigationController instance)
      • Header is now public so you can instantiate that class if needed
    • Updated PPUiSettings with new features:

      • flag showStatusBar which you can use to show or hide status bar on camera screen
      • flag showCloseButton which you can use to show or hide close button on camera screen. By default it's presented, but when inside UINavigationController it should be hidden
      • flat showTorchButton which you can use to show or hide torch button on camera screen.
    • Renamed internal extension method with namespace so that they don't interfere with third party libraries

    • Added standard tap to focus overlay subview in all default OverlayViewControllers. Also added it as a public header.

    • PPScanningViewController now has a simple method to turn on torch

    • added play success sound method to PPScanningViewController protocol

    • Added feature to enable frame quality estimation when using Direct API (by exposing property estimateFrameQuality)

    • Internal switch to new build system using cmake. This allows faster deployments and easier updates in the future

    • Deprecated PPHelpDisplayMode. It still works, but ideally, you should replace it with a custom logic for presenting help inside the application using the SDK.

    • PPAztecRecognizerResult and PPAztecRecognizerSettings are now deprecated. Use PPBarcodeRecognizerResult and PPBarcodeRecognizerSettings

    • PPBarDecoderRecognizerResult and PPBarDecoderRecognizerSettings are now deprecated. Use PPBarcodeRecognizerResult and PPBarcodeRecognizerSettings

    • PPZXingRecognizerResult and PPZXingRecognizerSettings are now deprecated. Use PPBarcodeRecognizerResult and PPBarcodeRecognizerSettings

  • Bugfixes:

    • Fixed bug which caused didOutputResults: not to get called in DirectAPI
      Fixed case sensitivity in class & file naming
    • Fixed issue which sometimes caused scanning not to be started when the user is asked for camera permission (first run of the app)
    • Fixed rare crash which Camera paused label UI being updated on background thread
    • Fixed incorrect handling of camera mirror when using front facing camera
    • Fixed crash which sometimes happened when presenting help screens (if PPHelpDisplayModeAlways or PPHelpDisplayModeFirstRun were used)
    • Fixed issue with blurred camera display when PPCoordinator instance was reused between consecutive scanning sessions
    • Fixed crashed which happened when multiple instances of PPCoordinator were used simultaneously (one being terminated and one starting recognition). This most commonly happened when after scanning session, a new view controller was pushed to a Navigation View Controller, when the user repeated the procedure a number of times (five or more).
    • Fixed nullability annotations in result classes. Now, wherever the nilvalue is allowed, it means no data exists on the scanned document. If an empty string @"" is returned, this means the field exist, but it's empty.
    • Fixed an issue which caused camera settings to be reset each time PPCoordinator's applySettings method was called.
    • Fixed crash on start in swift if custom UI was used to handle detector results
    • Fixed crash when the user tapped anywhere on the view controller presented when camera permission wasn't allowed
    • Fixed Torch button on default camera overlays. Previously it never changed state after it was turned on.
    • Fixed crash when Single dispatch queue was used for processing
    • Fixed issue with Direct API which disabled processing
    • Fixed internal bug which caused crashes if PPCoordinator applySettings was called with the same Recognizer settings (this is a very rare use case)
    • Fixed Czech translation
    • Fixed Czech QR Code amount scanning - improved parsing of amounts with less than 2 decimals
  • Improvements in PhotoPay scanning:

    • Improved reading of pdf417 barcodes having width:height bar aspect ratio less than 2:1
  • Changes in Samples:

    • Added libz to all samples to prevent linker errors (caused by slimming down the SDK)
    • Samples updated to use new dynamic framework
    • Added a build phase in each sample which removes unused architectures from the dynamic framework


04 Nov 17:02
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  • US Driver's Licence:
    • fixed parsing of Virgin Islands DL
    • added support for Arkansas DL
    • added support for new South Carolina DL