Releases: PSU-CSAR/vb-bagis
The following issues are included in this release:
- issue #74: BAGIS Basin Analysis - Export maps and diagrams as a pdf
- Fixed bug with elevation units when generating tables
- Fixed bug with elevation range charts if there were no sites in a range. BAGIS would crash
- Updated MessageBox when publishing map package and close phantom Excel workbook after publishing map package. (15-AUG-2019)
- issue #74: Fix chart pdf export if Excel is set to use a non-standard page size (27-AUG-2019)
- issue #26: Fixed bug where psuedo-site tool was unioning multiple proximity rules; It should intersect them. (8-OCT-2019)
- issue #76: Reposition elements and turn on autoscrollbars for auto psite form. (21-OCT-2019)
Note: this release is compatible with ArcMap 10.7.1
issue #70: Bug fixes for pseudo-site tool: Encountered errors when moving AOIs from one location to another and then re-using proximity and location constraints; Unable to add pseudo site on older AOIs due to missing field on pseudo_sites feature class; Units were not being stored correctly for some constraint types; For older pseudo-sites, please validate the value and units for distances.
issue #71: Bug fixes for site scenario tool: The tool failed if there was more > row in the attribute table for the aoi_v layer. The tool encountered an error when running the calculation for scenario 2 for the first time.
issue #68: Fix ESRI bug when creating an AOI with smoothing enabled. The snap raster path was mysteriously set in the Geoprocessor. We clear it out before running. (21-MAR-2019)
Use different function to load BAGIS settings file from 'Add Reference Layers' button that doesn't use the settings form. (21-MAR-2019)
issue #72: Update algorithm that generates zone datasets to use Geoprocessor instead of GeoAnalyst library to improve stability. Analysis for SNOTEL and Snow Course zones is restricted to the buffered AOI. (21-MAR-2019)
v3.2 is the final release for the current project year. The following issues are included in this release:
- issue #57: Refine error handling for clipping on AOI Utilities, Create AOI, and Create AOI from Shapefile forms so that errors don't interrupt the clipping process
- issue #65: Updates to reclipping and buffers. Allow for a different clipping distance for snotel and snow course layers. Update interface to PRISM buffer distances
- issue #66: Fix bugs with AOI creation uncovered by AGS 10.5. Refactor AOI creation form to use geoprocessor for increased stability and fewer temp files. This also fixed a problem with with updating the elevation on the snotel/sc layers because the snap raster layer is now in the right place. Add function to Maps form to delete temporary files after running elevationzones. Fixed bug that prevented clipping of snow course sites during AOI creation. Also fixes to Create AOI from Shapefile tool. (16-NOV-2018)
Ready for deployment in next version:
- issue #58: Set BAGIS/NWCC projection before loading reference layers
- issue #61: AOI creation screen not refreshing correctly
- issue #64: Site Scenario Tool - perform the calculation only for areas within the AOI boundaries
- issue #57: Improve error handling if no snotel and/or snow course sites exist within the AOI boundary
- issue #50: Final piece of caching previous settings/results for pseudo-site tool. Add flag so we only recalculate scenario 2 if it changes
- issue #53: Error message when setting an AOI in AOI manager "surface.gdb is corrupted"
- issue #54: Add Tables button to Site Scenario tool to display Area-Elevation and Site Distribution and Elev-Precip Charts
- issue #50: Update auto-site tool to support iterative auto-site selection
- issue #34: ArcMap throws an error when trying to manipulate temporary files as part of analysis tool execution because it doesn't have permissions for the C:\Win32 directory. Use RasterAnalysis.SetAsNewDefaultEnvironment() method when a new Basin or AOI is selected to set outWorkspace (5/25/3018)
- issue #54: Fix error when Tables are generated from Site Scenario form in an AOI with no pseudo-sites (5/25/3018)
- Fix invalid error messages in Create AOI from Shapefile tool when clipping PRISM layers (5/25/3018)
This is the official release of BAGIS v3.1. Issues addressed in this release include:
- issue #41: Update behavior for select layers panels on location and proximity constraints
- issue #49: Generate Maps - invalid site names in the stelzone/scoszone attribute tables
- issue #51: Make PRISM buffer adjustable when creating AOI from shapefile (08/04/2017)
- issue #51: Make PRISM buffer adjustable when re-clipping PRISM layers in AOI Utilities form; Add basic edits to PRISM clipping distance on Create AOI, AOI from shapefile, and AOI Utilities form (08/24/2017)
- issue #52: Fix bug with allowing AOI's to be used as a basin (08/24/2017)
- issue #26: Updated algorithm to calculate distance from represented area using buffered AOI boundary. The distance layer is then clipped to the actual AOI boundary to select a site. This should catch represented areas that are outside the AOI boundary.
- issue #37: Removed some code that arranged the layers into a guaranteed order to improve performance; Updated pseudo site map to re-use existing layers if they were already on the map to improve performance
- issue #46: Fix bug with the upper precipitation range being displayed wrong. It will still be wrong if the auto-site was created under a previous version
- issue #47: Rename scenario 1 layer to 'Scenario 1 Represented Area' for both Site Scenario and Pseudo-Site maps
- issue #48: Implement 'all constraints' layer on auto-site map if multiple constraints are used