The following issues are included in this release:
- issue #74: BAGIS Basin Analysis - Export maps and diagrams as a pdf
- Fixed bug with elevation units when generating tables
- Fixed bug with elevation range charts if there were no sites in a range. BAGIS would crash
- Updated MessageBox when publishing map package and close phantom Excel workbook after publishing map package. (15-AUG-2019)
- issue #74: Fix chart pdf export if Excel is set to use a non-standard page size (27-AUG-2019)
- issue #26: Fixed bug where psuedo-site tool was unioning multiple proximity rules; It should intersect them. (8-OCT-2019)
- issue #76: Reposition elements and turn on autoscrollbars for auto psite form. (21-OCT-2019)
Note: this release is compatible with ArcMap 10.7.1