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Config System
The majority of config development involves creating and manipulating configuration files. In the context of config development, configuration files (or simply configs) are files contained within a config pack that define data that Terra uses to determine how worlds generate.
This page will cover how Terra's config system works, including what defines a config file, how data is structured within config files, how Terra interprets that data, and how you can write your own config files.
This page will not cover how to configure specific things, and serves as more of a general guide on configuration.
Typically, configuration file formats in applications are based on data-serialization languages such as JSON, XML, and YAML.
In Terra the file formats used in config packs are flexible, as the functionality for reading and parsing different formats is provided via addons - this allows flexibility for developers to use whatever format they're most comfortable in. Files contained inside a config pack will only attempt to load as configuration files if a language addon is installed that supports the file type.
The standard file format / language supported in Terra configurations is YAML, as support for it comes pre-installed as a language addon with standard Terra releases. Because of this, YAML will be the primary language used in examples and guides on this wiki.
The YAML language addon attempts to load all text files with the extension
contained inside config packs, which are required to abide by the YAML spec in order to load correctly.
If you have not installed any other language addons, the assumed process of creating a standard config file simply involves creating a new text file with the extension .yml
Otherwise, when prompted to create a new config file, it is implied that you should create a new file using a format supported by your installed language addon(s).
As a general rule of thumb, a config file's file name and subdirectory within the config pack is mostly ignored by Terra. Because of this you're free to name your config files however you want and organize them in whatever directory structure you'd like. The pack manifest is the one exception, and is required to be defined directly in the pack directory, using the name pack
(excluding the file extension).
In this section, we will cover the basic ways data is stored and written inside config files. Because Terra configs are able to be written in multiple languages, we use our own standardized set of terms to reference things that may be named differently between languages.
If you are already familiar with data structures and data-serialization languages, feel free to skim over this section and skip forward to the next section.
The main concept to understand is that of data types or simply types. Types tell us:
How data should be defined
What is expected of that data to contain
How that data will be used
Typically when writing configs the data type will be inferred, but in many cases you need to explicitly tell Terra what type you want to use.
A piece of data that defined in a config is something we will call an object. All objects can be categorized by having a type, which is determined by how it is defined in the config. Config files always define a single object, which is what we will call the top level object.
To put this information to use, let's create create a new config file in YAML and define our top level object. For our type let's use something called an Integer
. Integers represent whole numbers and as such, are written as whole numbers like so:
We have now created a config that defines an Integer
as the top level object, which represents the number 42
, simple right?
Another numerical type that is slightly different from integers is a Float
. The difference between integers and floats is that floats can represent numbers that contain decimals:
In many cases, we need to distinguish between integers and floats, as it may not be logical to have numbers with decimals for whatever we're configuring, so having two separate types allows for preventing these situations. Typically config parameters that require integers will not accept a float, but parameters that require a float will accept integers.
We can also represent data like text using a type called a String
This is a config of type string.
Strings are useful for specifying the names of things, and are used everywhere - for example we would need need to use strings to specify what block IDs we want to use for the blocks in a biome.
Sometimes you may want a
that happens to be a sequence of numbers, but don't want it to be interpreted as anInteger
. To specify that it is of typeString
and not a number lineInteger
, you can wrap it in quotes like so:"42"
By themselves, integers, floats, and strings aren't too useful, until we start assigning labels to them. We can do that using a type called a Map
A map is a collection of objects, referred to individually as values, where each value in the collection is identified by another unique object called a key. A key and a value together are called a key-value pair.
In YAML, a map is typically defined by writing the key object (almost always a string), proceeded immediately by a colon and a space :
which is finally proceeded by the value object. Here we will make a new config where the top level object is of type Map
, and both the key and value are of type String
this is a key: this is a value
Since maps are collections of objects, we can list multiple key value pairs within the map like so:
string: Here is some text.
pi: 3.14159
meaning-of-life: 42
This is useful because as explained above, configs only contain one top level object. By using maps, we are capable of defining more than one object within a config, as well as being able to identify what each of those objects are using keys.
In addition to maps, we can also use a type called a List
to indicate a collection of data. Lists differ from maps in that each object (called an item) in a list is not assigned a unique key, but is instead identified by It's position in the list. Because of this, the order in which you define each object is significant, unlike maps.
Another thing to note is generally, every item contained within a list will be of the same type.
In YAML, lists are denoted by prefixing objects with a dash and space -
of the same indentation. Here is a config where the top level object is a List
, which contains multiple String
- A string
- Another string
- The final string
Because values in maps and items in lists can be of any type, It's possible to nest maps in maps, lists in lists, lists in maps, and so on.
For simple data types like integers and strings it is clear which key corresponds to which value, as they are typically contained on the same line, but maps and lists may span multiple lines, so we need a way of defining which objects are defined under which keys and items. In YAML, we can specify this kind of relationship via indentation - which is simply how many spaces come before the key one a line. We conventionally use two spaces to indicate 'one level' of indentation in YAML configs.
Here is an example of a Map
contained within the value of another Map
(which is the top level object):
child-key: value
sibling-key: another value
You can see that the map containing child-key
and sibling-key
is indented by two spaces, and is defined under the parent-key
key, signifying that it belongs to that key.
And here is a Map
(the top level object) containing a List
of String
list of strings:
- item 1
- item 2
- item 3
We can combine these different types to represent complex data structures, here is an example representing a shopping list, and some appointments using everything we have covered thus far:
- item: 1L Milk
amount: 2
cost-per-item: 2.0
- item: Carton of Eggs
amount: 1
cost-per-item: 4.5
- name: Haircut Appointment
date: 24.04.22
start-time: 9:45
end-time: 10:15
- name: Doctor Appointment
date: 13.05.22
start-time: 3:15
end-time: 4:15
In this example, our top level object is of type Map
, which contains two keys shopping-list
and appointments
. The value of both keys are of type List
, where each item in each list contains a Map
Some data-serialization languages support alternative syntax for representing the same thing, for example in YAML you can represent maps and lists using curly braces {}
and square brackets []
respectively, where objects are separated by commas ,
instead. This can be useful for when you don't necessarily want to separate objects by lines and indentation:
curly-brace-map: {
"key-1": "value-1",
"key-2": "value-2"
square-bracket-list: [
single-line-map: { "key-1": "value-1", "key-2": "value-2" }
single-line-list: [ item-1, item-2, item-3 ]
empty-map: {}
empty-list: []
YAML also provides additional systems like anchors, which allow for easily re-using data within a config and is useful for when you might want to write the same thing multiple times in a config:
some-list-of-data: &the-data-anchor
- item-1
- item-2
somewhere-where-data-is-reused: *the-data-anchor
When parsed by the YAML language addon, the value of somewhere-where-the-data-is-reused
will be the same as the list defined under some-list-of-data
In this section we will cover:
How Terra defines how configs must be structured.
How these structured configs are interpreted and utilized by Terra.
How we can write configs that abide by these prescribed structures.
Most configurations follow what we will call a template. Templates can be thought of as special versions of maps which specify rules on how the contained key-value pairs must be structured. Many different templates are defined by Terra and can each be regarded as their own types, just like strings and integers.
One of the main components of any given template is It's specification of parameters. Parameters are what makes our data useful, as just about all world generation behavior in Terra is determined by parameters.
The specification of a parameter inside a template involves:
What the name of the parameter is (which is also how it is referenced inside a template).
Whether the parameter is optional or required.
What the types can the parameter be set to.
To set parameters within a template, we use the key to denote which parameter we want to set, and the value to what the parameter should be set to. For example, here are a couple parameters specified within a Terra config pack manifest that provides some basic information about the pack:
version: 1.0.0
author: Anon Y. Mous
Parameters may also be nested under multiple maps within a template. For example in the below config, the top level object may abide by a template and specify a parameter that is nested, which we can see has the value a parameter value
parameter: a parameter value
When referring to parameters within templates, we use a combination of the parent key(s) separated by dots .
to identify the desired parameter. Using the above config, we would refer to the specified parameter as a.nested.parameter
Some parameter conventions to keep in mind:
The parent key object(s) of a parameter will always be of type string, where all characters are lowercase, and dashes
are used in place of spaces. -
The type of the value object is considered the parameter's type.
For the sake of explanation, let's invent a new template to work with called AnimalTemplate
. The AnimalTemplate
type specifies:
A required parameter called
that must be of typestring
A required parameter called
that must be of typeinteger
We can then write a new config using our new type assuming our top level object is of type AnimalTemplate
color: grey
legs: 4
Because AnimalTemplate
contains these parameter specifications, if we write a config that does not abide by them, then Terra will fail to load the config. For example, the following config would not load because 1. color
has not been specified and is a required parameter, and 2. legs
is not of the required type integer:
legs: two
If we were to document AnimalTemplate
, it may look like this:
Defines the attributes of an animal.
: String
- The color of the animal.
: Integer
- How many legs the animal has.
Great, now that we have a template to describe an animal, let's create a new template that describes a zoo of animals:
Defines a zoo of animals.
: Map of Strings to AnimalTemplates
- A collection of animals.
: String
- A description of the zoo and It's animals.
The interesting thing to note here with ZooTemplate
is we have now treated AnimalTemplate
as the required value type of the animals
parameter. This ability to utilize templates like any other type allows for highly complex config specs, and is one of the key features of Terra's config system.
We can now use AnimalTemplate
s within our new ZooTemplate
and create a config able to be read and interpreted by the config loader like so:
description: A zoo of Australian animals.
color: grey
legs: 4
color: brown
legs: 2
Now that we have covered what templates are, what they do, and how we write configs according to them, we have run into an issue: how does Terra know which template the config should use in the first place? For top level objects, there isn't a template It's contained in to specify the type, so what tells Terra to use ZooTemplate
instead of any other template?
This is where the type
parameter comes in handy. The type
parameter is a standardized way of specifying the template a Map
will follow, and is available for use in places where multiple templates may be applicable.
In order to tell Terra we want our config to use ZooTemplate
, we must set the type
to something called a registry key. Registry keys allow us to use things in a registry.
A registry can be thought of as an internal Map
that Terra uses to store similar things. Because of this, we can also think of registry keys as working the same way as Map
keys. Many registries exist in Terra and all have different purposes; registry entries can be created both by Terra (typically using addons), and by configuration files, depending on use.
In this instance, we will be working with the config registry. The config registry contains a bunch of templates like our ZooTemplate
, which are registered internally by Terra. The purpose of the config registry is to allow us to specify a config's template using the type
Let's assume that ZooTemplate
has been registered under the name / registry key ZOO
by Terra. Now what we can do is simply set the type
parameter to ZOO
in our config from above, signifying to Terra that our config top level object will be of type ZooTemplate
type: ZOO
description: A zoo of Australian animals.
color: grey
legs: 4
color: brown
legs: 2
And with that, we have now designed a new config type that Terra is capable of interpreting.
Great! Now we are able to easily create new zoos just by making new config files for each one, but we have run into another issue: how would each zoo be kept track of? How would we be able to reference specific zoos in other configs? Perhaps we could put all of our zoo configs inside a single Map
and keep everything inside one config file, and use the key name to refer to each individual zoo - but that could get cumbersome. What if we wanted to make hundreds of zoos, how would we keep them all organized?
To solve this issue, we can make use of registries. Let's introduce a new registry called the zoo registry. As a config developer, you won't need to worry about creating registries, as they are provided by addons and the API, so we can assume the zoo registry is created by one of our installed addons. New registry entries inside our new zoo registry can be made by simply creating ZOO
configs, and we can let Terra handle the registration of each config automatically.
To do this we will also need a way of choosing a registry key for each zoo we want to make. We want control over the registry key, so what we can do is introduce a new parameter in ZooTemplate
called id
. What id
does is simply sets the registry key of configs when they are automatically registered by Terra, allowing us to access all of our ZOO
configs from anywhere via the zoo registry.
And with this, here is what our final config looks like:
type: ZOO
description: A zoo of Australian animals.
color: grey
legs: 4
color: brown
legs: 2
Now in any other config that requires a zoo, we can specify our AUSTRALIAN_ZOO
and it will automatically be grabbed from the zoo registry for use!
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Community Packs
Community Addons
Quick Start Guide
Creating a Terra World
Config Packs
Config Development Introduction
Config System
Creating a Pack
Modifying an Existing Pack
Configuring Your Pack
Weighted Pools
Block Palettes
Using Custom Blocks on Bukkit
Working with Structures
Noise Equation
Advanced Noise Equations
List o' Noise Equations
Pack Configuration
Biome Configuration
Palette Configuration
Ore Configuration
Flora Configuration