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jpb5013 edited this page Oct 3, 2017 · 15 revisions


This wiki contains all the functions that we as a network will use as a way to service our application partners, and provide value to partners outside of the ProgCode network.

Organizational Structure

Decision Making Processes

Funding Framework


The following describes the necessary information about various roles within the community. Formalizing these entities will allow us to fully understand how various nodes operate and interface with each other.

As an aside, there are “hubs” that would naturally form around strongly connected entities. Each hub having the same theme of core interest behind the nodes that they contain. For example, Culture is inside the Community Hub as it champions the maximization of the community’s potential in terms of upholding and creating cultures that will empower the community to thrive. At the same time, Partner Advocacy puts the interest of partners within the community in mind in order for them to help maximize their experience within the ProgCode ecosystem.

Every individual that composes these nodes and coordinators in these nodes are all volunteer staffers.

Coordinators are essentially point-persons whose main interest is to keep tabs of everything that is happening and whose responsibility is to make sure that these are well documented.

Operations Team Meetings