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Conflict Resolution and Decision Making Policy & Guidelines

Rapi Castillo edited this page Feb 22, 2017 · 2 revisions

Google Doc


For decision arbitration or in times of conflict, we will follow to the best of our capacity ProgCode standards:

We resolve through conversation. If conversation is not enough, parties can call for a vote within the call or parties can choose to have the issue voted by the community, in which case we will post the issue in #community-vote

Parties can invoke a full stop of the conversation, in which case it will and must be tabled until such time that we are ready to revisit. Parties must be aware that these actions take considerable social capital.

Resolutions are then added to our precedents, which will inform any future conflicts that may arise. Community Guideline

For more information about the community guideline and community decision making process, please checkout:


If there are any issues, conflicts, or arbitration needed, please refer to this document and we hope that you use this as guide in going forward with issues within our community.

Rapi Castillo ( @rapi ) Joe Breslin ( @joepbreslin) Vigie Ramos-Rios (@vigie) Pamela John (@woobietuesday)

Conflict Precedents Overview


These are the conflicts that have happened throughout the lifetime of Progressive Coders Network. Conflicts are recognized as any argument that sparked discussions from conflicting sides, any issue that had to be put to a vote by anyone in the community, or had to have a full stop. ##FORMAT The following format is encouraged when writing down the precedent


When the conflict took place.


What was the conflict about.


Who were involved in the conflict


How was the conflict resolved


01 Feb 2017: Ratification of ProgCode Staffers Policy & Guideline


Call for Vote of Confidence / Ratification of Staffers Policy & Guidelines This will effectively be the go-to resource for the values, mission/vision, and direction of the people that make up the team that will serve as conduits and facilitators within the community.


Voting is now closed for the Ratification / Vote of Confidence on the ProgCode Staff Policy & Guidelines

21 👍 -- 0 👎

Ratification is passed.

We will now use this document as our policy & guidance for future awesome staffers over at #operations (check how it all happens!), and we will use this as the moral base , and the framework for the Progressive Coders Network By-Laws.

Thank you so much again for participating. Good night!

08 Jan 2017: Sudden Archiving of Channels

Due to inactivity of channels, Dave opted to archive channels within the slack team. This was met with questions by Jason as it has been perceived as overriding ownership of members to the channels they have created and a discussion has been started about a channel’s inactivity.

Discussion was then started by Dave, Jason, Joe, and Rapi about the relationship of channel creators and what signals archiving them sends. It was resolved through discussion, no vote was requested.

In the end, the channels were unarchived, and the idea of ownership within the community was underlined. Please refer to this chat log.

12 Dec 2016: Using @ in #team-announcements


We have had a lot of comments from the community about limiting or managing the amount of announcements we have been pushing out. We would like to know how the community feels about the announcements we do in #team-announcements! Should we: Not change anything. One to three @ channel announcements a day is fine Only one @ channel announcement per day, the rest should not have a notification Only once a week @ channel please! The rest should not have @ channel As rare as possible. Once a month or only for really important things. The rest should not have @ channel

Vote for this ends on Wednesday, Dec 14. Goes without saying that you can vote as many as you want.


Community at large. Multiple members have raised the issue on the timeliness and frequency of the team-announcement notifications.


15 members voted on one @ channel announcement per day, the rest should not have a notification