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Hello world

René Descartes Muala edited this page May 1, 2021 · 2 revisions

Hello world 🌍

What exactly is Landb? 🧐

In a program execution, sometimes is necessary to save an information in oder read it later. Landb was made to turn that process easy by giving you a bunch of methods to manage your program data. Basically it's a library that helps you to write and read variable from files.

How landb works? 🪄

In landb, a variable is stored in a structure called db_bit. A db_bit stores data and some important information like the variable name and type. Various db_bits can be connected creating a context.

•-•-•-•-•-• -> main context
	•-•-• -> x context
	•-•-•-•-• -> y context

A context is a space where variables can be stored together, presuming that they have any relationship. They are three types of context: the main context, arrays and containers.

The main context is the default context, where everything begins. When we declare a variable without specifying it's context, landb stores it in the main context, we will talk more about arrays and containers in another chapter.

Contexts are just like lists, where every element is a db_bit. The way that landb works is by reading and writing that elements.

Hello World program C++

Including the libraries

#include <iostream>
#include "landb.hpp"

In the main() function, we create a database

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    // Database
    lan::db database;

Then we create a landb variable by using the set() method, that requires a data type (<std::string> in this case) , the variable name ("message"), the variable content ("Hello world") and the variable type (lan::String)

    // Creating a variable called message in the main context
    database.set<std::string>("message", "Hello world", lan::String);

After creating a variable, it's time to get and print it in the screen, we can do this by using the get() method, witch requires a data type (<std::string>), the variable name ("message") and the variable type (lan::String). Ater getting the value, we print it using std::cout

    std::cout << database.get<std::string>("message", lan::String) << std::endl;


    return 0;

Here is the entire code {✨}

#include <iostream>
#include "landb.hpp"

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    // Database
    lan::db database;
    // Creating a variable called message in the main context
    database.set<std::string>("message", "Hello world", lan::String);
    std::cout << database.get<std::string>("message", lan::String) << std::endl;
    return 0;

Compiling and linking a program with landb

Don't forget to add landb.hpp to your source's directory.

Compiler Statically Dynamically
g++ g++ main.cpp liblandb.a -std=c++17 or g++ main.cpp -L. -llandb -std=c++17 g++ main.cpp -std=c++17 or g++ main.cpp -L. -llandbD -std=c++17 -rpath
Xcode Add liblandb.a to Frameworks and Libraries Add liblandbD.dylib to Frameworks and Libraries

The program should output Hello world.

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