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rethink-bbenoit edited this page Nov 20, 2013 · 4 revisions

Calibrate Baxter with calibrate


Use calibrate to calibrate each of Baxter's Arms.


The full "factory" calibration moves the arms to different poses and uses knowledge of the robot mass (with no gripper or payload) as ground truth torque to correct errors in the torque modeling. As an example, if there was a linear model of torque vs. angle, the model's slope and y-intercept would be adjusted (i.e. offset or bias) accordingly. Calibration is recommended once a month if the robot is used consistently. A reboot is necessary when both arms have been tared and calibrated.


Remove the grippers from both of Baxter's arms.

Start calibrate from an RSDK terminal session using:

$ rosrun baxter_tools -h [ARGUMENTS]

-h, --help This screen -c, --calibrate [LIMB] Calibrate the specified arm [left/right]



For common issues specific to using calibrate with Baxter, check out the Troubleshooting page.

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