Convert an image to monocrom (binary) image and use all black points (=0) as cities which has to be connected. The result is an image of one line with an equal start and end point. To solve the TSP problem a cuda implementation of a simulated annealing algorithm e.g. from SteveBronder can be used (see credits).
generate Daisey-grey.png
convert ./data/Daisey.png -colorspace gray ./data/Daisey-grey.png
generate ./data/test-bin-local-delitate.png
generate ./data/test.tsp
./monchrom2cities-txt data/test-bin-local-delitate.png
generate data/test_trip.csv (intermediate result /tmp/test_trip.csv)
./columbus data/test -global_search= 10 -local_search= 30 -temp= 15000 -decay= .9985 -maxiter= 16000 &
Visualize (intermediate) results of ./data/test_trip.csv (or /tmp/test_trip.csv)