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The ultimate repo to start playing with Manos, roboskel's UR3!


  • manos_bringup: Launch real robot
  • manos_gazebo: Launch simulated robot in Gazebo
  • manos_description: URDFs for Manos
  • manos_moveit_config: MoveIt! plugins for Manos
  • manos_cartesian_control: Cartesian velocity controller interface


To run Manos you need to install the ur_robot_driver.

Note : The * v2020 * versions of the files are compatible with the ur_robot_driver. The rest are compatible with ur_modern_driver which is depricated.


Real robot

roslaunch manos_bringup manos_bringup<version>.launch robot_ip:=<robot_ip>

Note : With ur_robot_driver use _v2020 as and add kinematics_config:=<path_to_catkin_ws>/src/manos/manos_bringup/config/manos_calibration.yaml as an argument.

Note : At launch the joint_state_controller and ur3_cartesian_velocity_controller are activated. If you want to unload the ur3_cartesian_velocity_controller and load other controllers, run rosservice call /controller_manager/switch_controller "start_controllers: ['controller_to_start'] stop_controllers: ['controller_to_stop'] strictness: 0 start_asap: false timeout: 0.0". To see all the loaded controllers run rosservice call /controller_manager/list_controllers. For a detailed explanation of the controllers loaded at launch see here.

Simulated robot

roslaunch manos_gazebo manos_gazebo.launch

Arguments :

  • gui: True if you want to open gazebo world
  • limited: True if you want to constraint the joint angles to range from [-pi, pi]. Default range is [-2pi, 2pi]. Used to speed up planning.
  • paused: True if you want to start gazebo in paused mode
  • rviz_flag: True if you want to start RViz
  • rviz_conf: RViz configuration

Note : At launch the joint_state_controller and the arm_controller are activated: If you want to unload the arm_controller and load other controllers as well as see the available controllers, run the commands in the previous Note .

Run Moveit! (runs only with ur_modern_driver)

Start the robot (real or simulated)

Start MoveIt! planners: roslaunch manos_moveit_config manos_planning_execution.launch

Note : If running gazebo, set sim:=true in the previous command

Start RViz interface: roslaunch manos_moveit_config moveit_rviz.launch config:=true


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