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dschatzberg edited this page Nov 21, 2011 · 1 revision

When you are done, key things to remember:

  • your host will be "lhost" to all the vms
  • you will have mounted your /User directory from mac on all the VMs as /User,
  • VMs will be called lsesa0, lsesa1, lsesa2...

Directions for getting a new machine:

  • Go to, download fusion vmware fusion, install, trial

  • go to latest amd64 server, (11.10)

  • created new vm, point fusion to the ISO you just downloaded

    • to minimize memory, switch to 512MB of RAM, rest default (NAT, 20Gig disk)
  • copy the VM using the file system

  • on client, create user

    • user: sesa
    • password: sesa0000sesa
  • on client, (note, for everything do as sudo): apt-get install openssh-server build-essential nfs-client

    • (I also installed emacs)
  • set up fixed IP addresses everywhere:

    • For Fusion version 4, go to: /Library/Preferences/VMware\ Fusion/
    • modify vmnet8 which is the local natted network, in /Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion/vmnet8/dhcpd.conf
    • Note, in everything below, replace 172.16.XX with your isolated subnet

    Add the following:

    host lsesa0 { hardware ethernet XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX; fixed-address 172.16.XX.10; }

  • Where you can get the correct mac address for your client by doing an ifconfig on it or looking at the vmx file.

  • if you quit and restat fusion, it will restart the dhcp service.

  • add new client to your .ssh/config file,


    Host lsesa0
    Hostname 172.16.XX.10 User sesa

  • on client modify /etc/hosts, call host "lhost", and names for client, e.g., lsesa0, lsesa1...


    172.16.XX.1 lhost lhost.local 172.16.XX.10 lsesa0 lsesa0.local 172.16.XX.11 lsesa1 lsesa1.local`

  • on client modify /etc/fstab to mount Users from host file system as /mnt/hostfs

    like so:

    lhost:/Users /mnt/hostfs nfs rw

  • on server export file system, in /etc/exports, the network mask sys

    like so:

    /Users -mapall=XXXUSERXXX -alldirs -network 172.16.XX -mask

where above will map all users to be the local user (XXX...)

  • create a symbolic ink from /Users to /mnt/hostfs, so that the address is the same

on your box, set up your emacs to remotely compile to linux, e.g.

(setq remote-compile-user "sesa")
(setq remote-compile-host "lsesa0")
(setq remote-shell-program "/opt/local/bin/ssh")

to remote compile, you will need to cd to the right directory in the target side, e.g.,

^X remote-compile, then type in

cd /Users/okrieg/SESA/EBBlib/libs/ebb/ ; SESA_LRT=ulnx SESA_ARCH=amd64 make -f
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