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Starting BakingTray For The First Time

Rob Campbell edited this page Jun 5, 2019 · 5 revisions

Unless you are experienced at setting up BakingTray you should run through the detailed hardware checks before proceeding with the instructions on this page.

Making default settings files

  • Add to your path: code, resources, and components plus its sub-directories.
  • At the command line run BakingTray
  • This will create default settings files in SETTINGS. You will see something like this at the command prompt
Starting construction of BT object
Can not find system settings file: making default file at C:\MATLAB\BakingTray\SETTINGS\systemSettings.yml
BT is reading default component settings

 **** Can not find a component settings file in C:\MATLAB\BakingTray\SETTINGS\
 **** Copying an empty file to this location but you will need to edit it ****

** Laser not defined in component settings file
** Cutter not defined in component settings file
** Scanner not defined in component settings file
** No motion axes defined

 BakingTray starting...
 Connecting to hardware components:

** Laser not defined in component settings file
** Cutter not defined in component settings file
** Scanner not defined in component settings file
** No motion axes defined
BT.attachMotionAxes failed to build one or more axes. Not starting BT.
Cleaning up BT object
BakingTray failed to create an instance of BT. Quitting.

Editing the settings file

  • The component settings file describes the hardware BakingTray will use.
  • Navigate to the SETTINGS sub-directory and open the componentSettings.m file in an editor. You will need to edit this settings file for your hardware.
  • Edit the file and re-run BakingTray. There are instructions in the file describing how it should be edited.
  • You will find functions such as buildMotionComponent helpful if debugging why hardware does not connect, as the function contains the code for building instances of motion control objects.

Editing the system settings file

  • The system settings file describes the system as a whole.
  • Information on editing the file is described here.

The default recipe

  • Also in the settings directory is a file called default_recipe.yml. The recipe files define the properties of an acquisition. When you start BakingTray, default_recipe.yml is read. You may edit this file so BakingTray starts with different defaults. You may create multiple such files and manually load one after BakingTray starts. e.g. different recipes for different organ types.
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