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Web Browser

shurne edited this page Aug 24, 2015 · 3 revisions

The Web Browser is an optional, generic web browser overlay window, styled to fit in with the in-game interface.

DISCLAIMER: This application makes use of the Awesomium embeddable browser library. Awesomium was designed for applications that use a browser for it's UI, not necessary for browsing any old page on the internet. As such, it leaves out a lot of security enhancements that you would normally find in any-old browser (like Firefox, Chrome, etc). DO NOT use this for sensitive sites. If you are concerned about using it all, a "No Browser" version of the application exists.

  • Transparency Slider: The slider in the top-right corner of the window adjusts the transparency of the browser content, from fully transparent to 0 transparency.

  • Bookmarks: Pages can be bookmarked by clicking the Star icon next to the URL entry box. If a page is already bookmarked, clicking the Star icon again will remove that bookmark. A default list of bookmarks comes with the application, and includes several useful GW2-related websites.

  • Main Menu: Clicking on the icon in the top left corner of the window opens a menu with the following options:

    • Bookmarks - Displays the list of bookmarks
    • Close - Closes the Web Browser window