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WvW Tools

shurne edited this page Oct 7, 2016 · 7 revisions

WvW Tracker

The WvW Tracker is an overlay window that displays the state of all WvW objectives in a given map. All objectives of the displayed map are listed with the color corresponding to the owning world.

Note: Be sure to select your home world from the list of worlds in the WvW Settings.

  • Orientation: The WvW Tracker can be displayed in both Horizontal or Vertical orientations. This is selectable via the main menu of the tracker window.

  • Time-Distance Tracking: Optionally displayed with each objective is a distance value. This value can be turned off or customized to use the following units:

    • Feet - Distance of the character from the objective in feet
    • Meters - Distance of the character from the objective in meters
    • Time-Distance - Estimated amount of time it would take to run to the objective from the player's current position. Note that Time-Distance values are calculated using direct-line distances, and as such, may not be entirely accurate depending on the path the user takes to reach the objective.
  • RI Tracking: The current RI (Righteous Indignation) timer is displayed for each objective.

  • Right-Click Menu: Right-clicking on an objective in the list displays a menu with the following options and information:

    • Hide - Removes the objective from the WvW tracker list
    • Copy Chat Code - Copies the chat-code for the objective that can then be pasted into the in-game chat
    • Copy Under Attack Text - Copies text that indicates an objective is under attack. This can then be pasted into the in-game chat
    • Copy Enemy Headed Towards Text - Copies text that indicates enemies are headed towards the objective. This can then be pasted into the in-game chat
    • Copy Player Headed Towards Text - Copies text that indicates the player is headed towards the objective. This can then be pasted into the in-game chat
    • Copy RI Timer Text - Copies text that indicates the RI timer value. This can then be pasted into the in-game chat.
  • Main Menu: Clicking on the icon in the top-left corner of the window opens a menu with the following options:

    • Orientation - Provides a selection of the Vertical or Horizontal orientation
    • Show Distances - Enables/Disables the display of distances for objectives
    • Distance Units - Allows selection of the distance units
    • Reset Hidden Objectives - Resets all objectives hidden via the right-click menu
    • Show... - Provides configuration of what types of objectives are shown, such as Castles, Keeps, Towers, Camps, and Bloodlust objectives. Also provides configuration of showing/hiding objectives owned by a world color.
    • Use Player's Map - When enabled, the tracker will automatically detects which map the player is located on and will display the WvW objectives for that map
    • Override Map... - Allows the user to select a specific map to show in the list (instead of using the player's detected map)
    • Close - Closes the WvW tracker window

WvW Notifications

WvW Notifications are notification pop-ups that appear (initially) at the right side of the screen when an objective in WvW has just been captured. By default, WvW Notifications are disabled.

Note: Be sure to select your home world from the list of worlds in the WvW Settings.

  • Positionable: You can click and drag notifications to re-position where they appear. If more than one notification is triggered at once, they will stack vertically.

  • Configurable: Extensive configuration options for WvW Notifications are available in the WvW Settings.

WvW Settings

Settings for the WvW Tracker and Notifications are available in this tab of the Settings window.

  • World Selection: Displays and allows selection of the world to treat as the "Home World" for the player.
  • WvW Notifications: Enables/Disables WvW notifications as a whole
  • Notifications Duration: The amount of time that a notification is shown can be set here. The value indicates the duration of notifications in seconds.
  • Additional, detailed settings for notifications include the following:
    • When Home World Takes Objective - Enables notifications of when the home world captures an objective
    • When Home World Loses Objectived - Enables notifications of when the home world loses an objective
    • When Other World Takes Other World's Objectives - Enables notifications of when a world other than the home world takes another world's objective (again, other than the home world).
    • Blue Borderlands - Enables notifications for objectives on the Blue Borderlands map
    • Green Borderlands - Enables notifications for objectives on the Green Borderlands map
    • Red Borderlands - Enables notifications for objectives on the Red Borderlands map
    • Eternal Battlegrounds - Enables notifications for objectives on the Eternal Battlegrounds map
    • Castles - Enables notifications for Castle objectives
    • Keeps - Enables notifications for Keep objectives
    • Towers - Enables notifications for Tower objectives
    • Camps - Enables notifications for Camp objectives
    • Bloodlust Objectives - Enables notifications for Bloodlust Objectives
  • Automatically open and close tracker when entering/exiting WvW: When enabled, the WvW Tracker will automatically be opened/closed when entering/exiting WvW.