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Command Line Interface

Antonio S. Cofiño edited this page Jan 10, 2022 · 1 revision

drm4g is DRM4G's Command Line Interface (CLI) for administrating both computing resources and jobs. Type the --help option to obtain information about all commands:

$ drm4g --help
DRM4G is an open platform, which is based on GridWay Metascheduler, to define,
submit, and manage computational jobs. For additional information,
see .

Usage: drm4g [ --version ] [ --help ]
             <command> [ options ] [ <args>... ]

    -h --help     Show help.
    -v --version  Show version.
    -d --debug    Debug mode.

drm4g commands are:
   start       Start DRM4G daemon and ssh-agent
   stop        Stop DRM4G daemon and ssh-agent
   status      Check DRM4G daemon and ssh-agent
   restart     Restart DRM4G daemon
   clear       Start DRM4G daemon deleting all the jobs available on DRM4G
   conf        Configure DRM4G daemon, scheduler and logger parameters
   resource    Manage computing resources
   id          Manage reosurce identities
   host        Print information about the hosts
   job         Submit, get status and history and cancel jobs

See 'drm4g <command> --help' for more information on a specific command.

start :

Start DRM4G's daemon and ssh-agent.

    drm4g start [ options ]

   -d --debug    Debug mode..


Stop DRM4G's daemon and ssh-agent.

    drm4g stop [ options ]

   -d --debug    Debug mode.


Check DRM4G's daemon and ssh-agent.

    drm4g status [ options ]

   -d --debug    Debug mode 


Restart DRM4G's daemon deleting all the jobs available on DRM4G.

    drm4g clear [ options ]

   -d --debug    Debug mode.

restart :

Restart DRM4G's daemon.

    drm4g [ options ] restart

   -d --debug    Debug mode.


Configure DRM4G's daemon, scheduler and logger parameters.

   drm4g conf ( daemon | sched | logger ) [ options ]

   -d --debug    Debug mode


Manage computing resources on DRM4G.

    drm4g resource [ list [ --all ] | edit | check | create | destroy ] [ options ]

    -d --debug    Debug mode.
    --all         Lists all of the created resources.

    list          Show resources available.
    edit          Configure resouces.
    check         Check if configured resources are accessible.
    create        Create new virtual machines
    destroy       Delete all virtual machines


Print information about the hosts available on DRM4G.

    drm4g [ options ] host [ list ] [ <hid> ]

    <hid>         Host identifier.

    -d --debug         Debug mode.

Host field information:
    HID           Host identifier.
    ARCH          Architecture.
    JOBS(R/T)     Number of jobs: R = running, T = total.
    LRMS          Local Resource Management System.
    HOSTNAME      Host name.
    QUEUENAME     Queue name.
    WALLT         Queue wall time.
    CPUT          Queue cpu time.
    MAXR          Max. running jobs.
    MAXQ          Max. queued jobs. 


Manage identities for resources. That involves managing private/public keys
and grid credentials, depending on the resource configuration.

    drm4g id <resource_name> init   [ options ] [ --lifetime=<hours> ]
    drm4g id <resource_name> info   [ options ]
    drm4g id <resource_name> delete [ options ]

    -l --lifetime=<hours>   Duration of the identity's lifetime [default: 168].
    -d --debug              Debug mode.


    init                    Create an identity for a certain period of time, by
                            default 168 hours (1 week). Use the option --lifetime
                            to modify this value. It adds the configured private
                            key to a ssh-agent and creates a grid proxy using
                            myproxy server.
                            It appends the public key to the remote user's
                            ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file (creating the file, and
                            directory, if necessary). It tries to load the public
                            key obtained by appending *.pub to the name of the
                            configured private key file. Alternative the public
                            key can be given by public_key variable.
                            It also configures the user's grid certificate
                            under ~/.globus directory (creating directory,
                            if necessary) if grid_cert variable is defined.

    info                    Get some information about the identity's status.

    delete                  Remove the identity from the ssh-agent and the
                            myproxy server.


Submit, get status and history and cancel jobs.

    drm4g job submit  [ options ] [ --ntasks <total_tasks> ] [ --dep <job_id> ... ] <template>
    drm4g job list    [ options ] [ <job_id> ]
    drm4g job cancel  [ options ] <job_id> ...
    drm4g job log     [ options ] <job_id>
    drm4g job history [ options ] <job_id>

    <job_id>               Job identifier.
    <template>             Job template.
    <total_tasks>          Total number of tasks in the job array.

    --ntasks <total_tasks> Number of tasks to submit.
    --dep=<job_id> ...     Define the job dependency list of the job.
    -d --debug             Debug mode.

    submit                 Command for submitting jobs.
    list                   Monitor jobs previously submitted.
    cancel                 Cancel jobs.
    log                    Keep track of a job.
    history                Get information about the execution history of a job.

Job field information:
    JID                    Job identification.
    DM 	                   Dispatch Manager state, one of the following: pend, hold, prol, prew, wrap, epil, canl, stop, migr, done, fail.
    EM 	                   Execution Manager state: pend, susp, actv, fail or done.
    START                  The time the job entered the system.
    END                    The time the job reached a final state (fail or done).
    EXEC                   Total execution time, includes suspension time in the remote queue system.
    XFER                   Total file transfer time, includes stage-in and stage-out phases.
    EXIT                   Job exit code.
    TEMPLATE               Filename of the job template used for this job.
    HOST                   Hostname where the job is being executed.
    HID                    Host identification.
    PROLOG                 Total prolog (file stage-in phase) time.
    WRAPPER                Total wrapper (execution phase) time.
    EPILOG                 Total epilog (file stage-out phase) time.
    MIGR                   Total migration time.
    REASON                 The reason why the job left this host.
    QUEUE                  Queue name.
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