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How to manage a job from start to end

Antonio S. Cofiño edited this page Jan 10, 2022 · 1 revision

Start up DRM4G

If the directory DRM4G_DIR (~/.drm4g by default) does not exist, drm4g will create one with for its local configuration

[user@mycomputer~]$ drm4g start
Creating a DRM4G local configuration in '/home/user/.drm4g'
Creating '/home/user/.drm4g/var/acct' directory
Coping from '/home/user/drm4g/etc' to '/home/user/.drm4g/etc'
Starting DRM4G .... 
Starting ssh-agent ...

Show information about all available resources and their host:

[user@mycomputer~]$ drm4g resource list
RESOURCE            STATE               
localmachine        enabled

[user@mycomputer~]$ drm4g host list
HID ARCH       JOBS(R/T) LRMS       HOST                
0   x86_64           0/0 fork       localmachine

[user@mycomputer~]$ drm4g host list 0
HID ARCH       JOBS(R/T) LRMS       HOST                
0   x86_64           0/0 fork       localmachine        

default              0/0 0     0     1     1               

Create a job template:

[user@mycomputer~]$ echo "EXECUTABLE=/bin/date" > date.job

Submit the job:

[user@mycomputer~]$ drm4g job submit date.job
ID: 0

Check the evolution of the job:

[user@mycomputer~]$ drm4g job list 0
JID DM   EM   START    END      EXEC    XFER    EXIT NAME            HOST                                          
0   pend ---- 19:39:09 --:--:-- 0:00:00 0:00:00 --   date.job        --                        

If you execute successive drm4g job list 0, you will see the different states of this job:

0   pend ---- 19:39:09 --:--:-- 0:00:00 0:00:00 --   date.job        --                                            
0   prol ---- 19:39:09 --:--:-- 0:00:00 0:00:00 --   date.job        --                                                            
0   wrap pend 19:39:09 --:--:-- 0:00:00 0:00:00 --   date.job localhost/fork                                                                         
0   wrap actv 19:39:09 --:--:-- 0:00:05 0:00:00 --   date.job localhost/fork                                                         
0   epil ---- 19:39:09 --:--:-- 0:00:10 0:00:00 --   date.job localhost/fork
0   done ---- 19:39:09 19:39:27 0:00:10 0:00:01 0    date.job localhost/fork         
  • pend: The job is waiting for a resource to run on.
  • prol :The remote system is being prepared for execution.
  • wrap pend :The job has been successfully submitted to the computing resource and it is waiting.
  • wrap actv:The job is being executed by the computing resource.
  • epil:The job is finalizing.
  • done:The job has finished.

Results are standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr), both files will be in the same directory as the job template:

[user@mycomputer~]$ cat stdout.0
Mon Jul 28 12:29:43 CEST 2014

[user@mycomputer~]$ cat stderr.0
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