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Setting up rTorrent with DuckieTV

garfield69 edited this page Mar 24, 2022 · 18 revisions

This is a step by step guide on how to set-up rTorrent with DuckieTV.

Pre requisites:

rTorrent 0.9.x or newer. Get the latest version at the official download site here

DuckieTV 1.1.4 or newer. Get the latest version at the official download site here
Dtv Nightly. Get the latest version at the official download site here


The rTorrent wiki can be found at

As an example, using scgi for apache2, you will want to add the following lines at the bottom of the ~/.rtorrent.rc file

# scgi for /rpc2
network.scgi.open_port =
network.xmlrpc.dialect.set = i8

and install and enable the sgci module

sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-scgi
sudo a2enmod scgi

and add the following line at the near-end of the document, just before the line that says </VirtualHost> in the config file found in the /etc/apache2/sites-available folder


and reboot.

Once you have installed, configured and started rTorrent, we need to start up DuckieTV and

configure the DuckieTV rTorrent Integration.

  • Start up DuckieTV and click on the Settings Icon

  • And then click on the Torrent button

  • Now click on the rTorrent button

  • Next, click on the rTorrent Integration button

  • if you are running rTorrent on a different computer then enter its ip address in the rTorrent Address box.

  • Now click on the Test and Save button

  • You are connected!

If all went well, you should see a green dot next to the DuckieTV rTorrent Icon on the left hand side and a Status: Connected to rTorrent API on the right hand side.
Please note that being connected is not a guarantee that everything is operational. Some clients have further validation that only occurs during submissions of commands and requests for results.


  • When you press the Test and Save button, and the test fails, DuckieTV does not save any of the fields you changed, so when you try again, you will need to enter and correct all the fields again.
  • If you previously tried a connection and failed, and subsequently followed this guide and are still not connected, first try clicking on the DuckieTV rTorrent icon on the left. This will retry the connection attempt.
  • If the connection is still not established, try closing both rTorrent and DuckieTV and starting them up again. Then click on the DuckieTV rTorrent icon to try establishing a connection.
  • Connected but not working? Did you wipe the Base Path from /RPC2 or changed it to something? Note that this field is not a folder (directory), so unless you are using a seedbox whose documentation requires a change, leave it as /RPC2.
  • Could your local firewall or security app or router be blocking Dtv from accessing the inbound/outbound qBt port? Do you need to add a permission rule?
  • Still not working? If you are using DuckieTV as a Chrome Browser Extension, or as a Nightly Standalone, then you can check the DuckieTV console log for errors, by pressing the F12 key (on Windows and Linux) or Cmd-Alt-I (OSX) to open the development tools page, and clicking on the console tab to view the log. and feel free to raise a ticket on GitHub here, or submit a post on Reddit here
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