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Data Containers

Jörg Neumann edited this page Sep 26, 2024 · 6 revisions

General Description

Data containers are used to attach additional data to log messages.

The API is shipped with a couple of useful data containers.

Classname Description
/USI/CL_BAL_DC_COLLECTION Wrapper for 0-n data containers. Can be passed to every method, that would accept a single data container.
/USI/CL_BAL_DC_* Name prefix for any data container shipped with this API.

Types of Data Containers

There are different groups of data containers:

Data Container Group Description
Renderable containers The contained data will be rendered using an instance of CL_GUI_CONTAINER.
Navigation Containers These containers do not render any output but just navigate somewhere (e.g. to source code positions).

Integration into custom exceptions

You can also attach data containers to your exceptions by adding a public attribute having one of the following types:

TYPE REF TO Wraps Description Remarks
/USI/IF_BAL_DATA_CONTAINER_COL /USI/IF_BAL_MESSAGE_DETAILS Data Container Collection Not recommended - use one of the more generic types above.
/USI/IF_BAL_DATA_CONTAINER /USI/IF_BAL_MESSAGE_DETAILS Single Data Container Not recommended - use one of the more generic types above.

When logging an exception the API will evaluate all public attributes of the exception object, that are object references. For each attribute a downcast to /USI/IF_BAL_DATA_CONTAINER and /USI/IF_BAL_DATA_CONTAINER_COL will be tried. If it succeeds the data containers attached to the exception will be added to the log message automatically.

The name of the attribute is completely arbitrary and multiple attributes are supported. It is recommended to use an attribute with a type that is generic enough to bind a single data container or a collection of data containers. This would make it very easy to attach virtually anything to the exception object.


If needed, additional data containers can be added, as described here.

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