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Schedule periodic jobs

Jörg Neumann edited this page Aug 18, 2023 · 3 revisions

The following reports have to be executed on a regular basis.

Report Priority Description
SBAL_DELETE HIGH SAP standard deletion report for outdated logs. If you do not have a custom implementation in place, you will have to schedule this report on a regular basis.

Failing to do so will result in ridiculous amounts of obsolete data piling up in your system. Issues like e.g. full table spaces will occur over time. Chances are very likely, that this job has already been scheduled.

NOTE: The job user, that is executing the report will need the following authorization:
Authorization object Authorization Field Value
S_APPL_LOG ACTVT '06' (Delete)
Otherwise the job will select the to-be-deleted logs, before the job user will NOT be allowed to delete them, which would also lead to data piling up in the system!
/USI/BAL_DELETE_OUTDATED_CUST Low The report deletes outdated customizing from tables /usi/bal_lv_clnt (Client specific log levels) and /usi/bal_lv_user (User specific log levels).

As the customizing entries are created manually during an error analysis, the amount of data should be fairly small.

Failing to schedule this report should have no negative impacts on the system. This is more of a convenience report, that will help you to keep your customizing clean and tidy by automatically removing entries, that are no longer needed anyway.
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