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Devashish edited this page Aug 3, 2017 · 1 revision

Bug Fixes

  1. rSync not showing correct sourceName when errors encountered

    • Whenever a rsync job for a particular project would fail for some reason, the user will be able to see the error messages highlighted clearly and that error message would contain the concerned project name clearly
  2. UI not throwing 404 page when logged in user loads other users private projects branch page.

    • Whenever a user goes to a private project, which he doesn't have access should show him the 404 page.
  3. Project Enable page shows messages when enabling project.

  4. Remove event triggers toggle from subscription settings

    • Removed the option to disable event triggers from the subscription settings page because event triggers are not used in rendering the SPOG in the new UI. New event trigger integrations for a resource cannot be created, but existing integrations will continue to work and event triggers can be created for projects and generic webhooks.
  5. MVP1: No connection between a ci run and the version(s) created for it

    • Adds versionId of the version created for a CI job to job.versionId.
  6. send buildJobConsoles signals to buildJobs/:id/consoles instead buildJobs/:id

    • Build job consoles can be viewed real-time without any page reloading/refreshing
    • A page refresh is required to view the updates for this issue
  7. Billing contact should be mandatory for paid subscriptions

    • Anyone upgrading or downgrading their subscription will have to first enter a billing contact
  8. Filter out runs for deleted branches

    • Users should now not see deleted branches on their project dashboard latest status panel
  9. Getting console errors on build job consoles page

    • public users are able to view job consoles page for incomplete jobs with allowPublicAccess: true
  10. Reduce the buildJobs response payload size

    • Customers should see a marginal improvement in load times for the grid and SPOG views. Dependency information for the (i) popup in the grid and the SPOG's context menu will be loaded on-demand. A spinner will be shown while this data is loaded.
    • This is an internal perf initiative and is not linked to a specific support issue
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