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Ragesh Krishna edited this page Sep 21, 2017 · 1 revision

Bug Fixes

  1. Account dashboards will always show subscription org name against jobs
  2. Moves the info (i) in the # job number column to the left so that the column does not breaks the line into two while resizing the screen.
  3. The DC/OS integration create and edit pages have instructions to add the key to the authorized_keys file of the master user to enable SSH authorization.
  4. Unbuilt projects that are just enabled will show the correct default branch in the dashboards
  5. No more JavaScript errors on the runs page if a run event is received before the run is loaded
  6. Account sync that ends during a login will no longer cause the page to stay unpopulated
  7. Builds can be queried by createdBefore and createdAfter at the same time
  8. Performance improvements on the subscriptions dashboard


  1. Update build container wait logic from docker logs -f to docker wait
  2. The node scripts naming convention has been updated to the format [architecture]__[OS]__[OS_VERSION]__Docker__[DOCKER_VERSION].sh
  3. Updated diskusage package to 0.2.2 version in cexec
  4. A dismissed upgrade refresh prompt will force a refresh of the UI after a fixed time limit
  5. Display load time on Account, subscription, jobs, custom and project dashboard
  6. Search page allows jobs search with date
  7. Add architecture option to node lists, node details, add new node, admin add custom & system nodes pages
  8. ARM builds - user should be able to see systemCodes for arm architecture
  9. ARM builds - user is able to get SMI with architecture
  10. ARM builds - update systemMachineImages API for the archTypeCode column
  11. ARM Builds - Update getSystemMachinImages API consumers to fetch default SMI along with default architecture
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