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Steps For TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks

Aditya Wagle edited this page Aug 23, 2018 · 2 revisions

Running the Maven Build from Studio.

a. Open the Studio.

b. Right-Click on the Application project.

c. The Context Menu will show the option "Generate POM for Application".

d. Clicking it will launch the POM Generation UI.

e. Enter the Parent POM details here and Click Finish.

f. The Project will be converted to Maven (Eclipse Project) nature. Note the workspace will index after generating POM files for the first time and may take some time. You can continue with the steps below by allowing this indexing to run in the background.

g. Open Run/Debug Configurations. Create a new Maven Build.

h. Under the "Base directory" choose add variable for Workspace location. The variable name is ${workspace_loc}.

i. In the Goal enter the Goal to be executed. The goal can be any standard Maven goal like package, install, deploy etc.

j. Select the goal as "package" for creating the EAR file. This will create the EAR file in the target folder under the Application project - 'Refresh' your project using the right-click menu if this folder is not visible.

k. Select the goal as "install" for creating the EAR file and installing it to local Maven Repository.

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