New interface, Github workflows, Documentation ...
This release contains many improvements that will help maintain the project and ensure its stability.
- New interface !
While my skills at front-end designing are mediocre at best, the project now provides a visual representation of the player's state as well as videos queued for playing. - Switch from Bottle to aioHTTP (also tried flask)
- Fulfill server-sent events requirements for asynchronicity.
- Respond to all monitoring requests.
- Add video monitoring.
- Serialize domain models into JSON .
- Automatic documentation generation & coverage
- Provide module documentation.
- Fix use of autosummary.
- Provide an OpenAPI v3 spec file.
- Use sphinx plugin to render the spec files into the documentation.
- Automatic deployment and coverage reports (GithubActions).
- Migrate from Travis to GH actions
- Sanitize the code on pushes.
- Regen documentation and coverage when master or develop are updated.
- Dependabot
- Ensure up to date dependencies using dependabot.
- Improve tooling
- Add lint subcommand to lint the source code (used in the Sanitize workflow).
- Add format subcommand to format the source code (used in the Sanitize workflow).
- Improve the CLI parser to parse rules from a script's header.
- Remove apt calls
- Only check that system dependencies are installed instead of using apt to install them.
Bug fixes
- All warnings and errors reported on shell scripts (shellcheck, shfmt)
- Deadlocks due to missing event response to commands.
- The setup script can't be executed as root anymore.