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Spell Changes

b5635 edited this page Jun 3, 2023 · 72 revisions

Any significant spell changes will be described here.


  • Area of effect spells do not stack. However, they may overlap if they are not placed on top of each other.
  • Weapon buff spells work with range weapons, ammunition, and gloves, but does not stack with each other.
  • Damage shield spells do not stack.

Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Endurance, Fox's Cunning, Owl's Wisdom, Eagle's Splendor

  • Only one can be active per character at once
  • Exception are those cast by the Harper Scout and Blackguard class feats, which will stack if they are cast first.

Aid and Bless

  • Does not stack with each other.
  • Bless does not affect the caster.

Bigby's Forceful Hand

  • Strength modifier is now 9.

Circle of Death

  • Level 9 immunity cap removed.

Divine Favor

  • Scales every four levels

Divine Favor, Divine Power, Prayer, Battletide

  • Does not stack. If one buff is added, all others are removed.

Shield of Faith, Magic Vestment (Armor), Magic Vestment (Shield)

  • Does not stack. If one buff is added, all others are removed.

Flame Weapon and Darkfire

  • Static 1d4 fire damage.


  • Static 1d6 fire damage.

Greater Magic Weapon

  • Static +2 enhancement.

Greater Sanctuary

  • Now lasts in rounds and has a diminishing return, capped at 25%. This is cleared on rest.

Magic Vestment

  • Scales every four levels


  • Ability Modifier + Spell Level + Spell Focus + d20 vs Unlock DC.

Find Traps

  • Ability Modifier + Spell Level + Spell Focus + d20 vs Disarm DC.
  • Traps will always be shown, regardless of a successful disarm check.

True Seeing

  • True sight replaced with +20 to Spot, Search, See Invisibility, and Ultravision
  • TODO: Immunity to Phantasmal Killer and Weird

Polymorph Self

  • Zombies gain full undead properties, a +1 club, and have 5 physical resistance instead of 10.
  • Umber Hulks gain confusion gaze but loses true seeing.
  • Pixies gain Tasha's Hideous Laughter, lesser dispel magic, 16 spell resistance, and a +1 dagger.
  • Spiders gain web bolt, immunity to web, and immunity to mind-affecting spells.
  • Trolls are now 50% more vulnerable to acid and fire.
  • Items are now merged.

Raise Dead

  • Can revive players that have been revived too many times by the party revival mechanic as well as clear party revival constitution damage.