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Releases: Thirtybird/YACMiner

YACMiner 3.5.0-yac2

13 Mar 18:20
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  • Application can now mine scrypt, N-Scrypt, and scrypt-chacha based coins
  • The command-line options for setting the algorithm have changed!
    --scrypt - Mine scrypt based coins
    --scrypt-chacha (this is the equivilant of what --scrypt used to do!)
    --nscrypt - Mine N-Scrypt based coins (vertcoin)
  • Scrypt and N-Scrypt have different kernels. You can use the N-Scrypt
    kernel for mining Scrypt if you like by passing "--kernel nscrypt" on
    the command line. The converse does not work though.
  • buffer-size is now fully completed, and thread concurrency is no longer
    needed. thread-concurrency is still a valid option if you want to use it.
  • Implemented new defaults if you do not provide a buffer-size or
    thread-concurrency. It will attempt to allocate 88% of the GPU memory.
  • lookup-gap now defaults to 4 if it is not set.
  • W/U is back on the hashmeter at the top of the curses display
  • Rejected count is now the number of rejected shares instead of the value
    of the sum of all the rejected shares
  • Fixed OpenCL 1.2+ patch regarding BFI_INT patch still being done.
  • cleanup code and extraneous files in project.
  • More updates to the and scrypt-readme for further documentation.

YACMiner 3.4.2-yac2

19 Feb 19:32
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Version 3.4.2-yac2 - 19th February 2014

  • Implementation of --nfmin, --nfmax, and --starttime to allow mining of coins other than YACoin
  • Update of SCRYPT-README to clarify how best to tune your miner using the settings available and how to use the new NFMin, NFMax, and StartTime parameters

The new settings for NFMin, NFMax, and StartTime are POOL LEVEL values, and if you are setting any pool to be mined that is not YACoin, all pools must have these values set. Note that currently, if your miner switches to a pool with a different NFactor, the settings for each card will not change, and will not likely be optimal for that pool. (This feature is in the works)

YACMiner 3.4.1-yac2

05 Feb 21:55
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Version 3.4.1-yac2 - 5th February 2014

  • Wholesale replacement of ADL library with latest updates cloned from SGMiner
  • Change of scan-time and expiry from 30/120 to 15/60
  • Increase precision of summary Utility score from 1/10 to 1/100

YACMiner 3.4.0-yac2 *UPDATE2*

03 Feb 16:57
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Major update - includes new parameters for fine-tuning YACoin mining
see the SCRYPT-README for details on these settings.
Minor changes include
Network difficulty line only shows up when it changes
fix for GPU fan going to 85% when saving and using a conf file
cgminer.conf should now be yacminer.conf (rename your file if you use it!)
Rewrote README as a .md file and updated SCRYPT-README to be more YACoin

UPDATED: 2/1/2014 05:48 UTC - Fixed binary for problem with not reading thread-concurrency
UPDATED: 2/3/2014 16:50 UTC - Recreated release to capture latest changes in source code to fix TC issue

version 3.3.3-yac2 - Update display information & ADL fixes

14 Jan 21:17
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Applied fixes for ADL problems
Added BIOS information to card detection output (-n)
Found Blocks no longer increments if the nonce is invalid

YACMiner 3.3.2-yac2 - updated display for vardiff

13 Jan 19:03
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Based on YACMiner 3.3.1-yac2 posted by mikaelh

  • Change display stats Accepted, Rejected, and Utility to display difficulty
    of shares submitted instead of number of shares
  • Add display value for Found Blocks (FB) in the overall status line