- Application can now mine scrypt, N-Scrypt, and scrypt-chacha based coins
- The command-line options for setting the algorithm have changed!
--scrypt - Mine scrypt based coins
--scrypt-chacha (this is the equivilant of what --scrypt used to do!)
--nscrypt - Mine N-Scrypt based coins (vertcoin) - Scrypt and N-Scrypt have different kernels. You can use the N-Scrypt
kernel for mining Scrypt if you like by passing "--kernel nscrypt" on
the command line. The converse does not work though. - buffer-size is now fully completed, and thread concurrency is no longer
needed. thread-concurrency is still a valid option if you want to use it. - Implemented new defaults if you do not provide a buffer-size or
thread-concurrency. It will attempt to allocate 88% of the GPU memory. - lookup-gap now defaults to 4 if it is not set.
- W/U is back on the hashmeter at the top of the curses display
- Rejected count is now the number of rejected shares instead of the value
of the sum of all the rejected shares - Fixed OpenCL 1.2+ patch regarding BFI_INT patch still being done.
- cleanup code and extraneous files in project.
- More updates to the readme.md and scrypt-readme for further documentation.