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Crafting Materials Visual Assets Design Sprint Three

jgapusan edited this page Sep 29, 2022 · 5 revisions

Final Design

Poop Toilet Paper (TP)
image image

Ideation Process

The final design of poop as the 'ultimate' crafting material was a result of a thorough ideation process that included drafting up other potential materials (seen below) to gain a better understanding of how it would look visually in the game. These concepts culminated in the below drawings (except for the toilet paper which was a key material for the plunger bow).

Material Image Design Inspiration Reference Link
Poop (Golden) image image
Poop (Rainbow + Outline) image image
Poop (Rainbow) image image
Toilet Paper image image
Diamond image image
Ingot (Water) image image
Ingot (Rainbow) image image
Ingot (Dark Matter) image image
Ingot (B/W) image image

Design Iterations

Only the designs of toilet paper and poop were iterated upon - the below iterations in particular were prior to any user testing.

Toilet Paper

Regular Trident Poop Trident + Poop
Just regular old toilet paper. To further integrate with the games theme and overarching concept, a trident design (think embossed tp) was implemented into the design. Although possibly a bit obscene, just wanted to have a bit of fun and give another option for users to choose from. The trident design and poop were combined into one design.
image image image image

After user testing, feedback included adding shading along the outside to show that it is the outline of the toilet paper. A final design iteration was created to reflect this change.



As seen before, the poop had a few different colour variations for users to choose from in the survey:

Rainbow Rainbow + Outline Golden
image image image

After user testing, feedback indicated that the shading on the inner line could be lighter to better show that it is the inner lining of the poop. This change is in the final design shown below:


Future Directions

Considering the reception of these new materials were overwhelmingly positive, expect little changes in the future for the poop and the toilet paper. However, similarly to all other implemented designs for crafting, animations is certainly a feature that will be strongly considered to implement for materials. This could be floating once dropped from an enemy, or colour/hue shifts while idle in the crafting menu. Research and ideation will be carried out to identify the best way to further iterate and develop the current material collection.

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