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Preliminary Weapon Check in

PurrplePandaa edited this page Oct 2, 2022 · 4 revisions

Testing Plan Overview

Due to the change of making the game into a 2 level game, revisions of how the weapons and debuff/buff will be categorised (categorised in the sense what levels the weapons belong to) and their amount.

User Evaluation Session Plan

  • Session run by (Name): @PurrplePandaa, @NishaVashist0 and @madi-feddema
  • Studio and game name: Studio 2, Atlantis Sink
  • Feature team name: Weaponizers
  • Location of Testing: Google Forms
  • Number of Participants: 5 - 15 people/ testing plan

Background Information

At this stage of the game, preliminary user testing is needed to be completed so that our team can get an understanding on how well we are tracking in terms of the successful integration of weapons into the game. This was an important check-up in terms of comparing our features to the functionality of the game for users on the outside. This proves vital as we would ultimately like to complete this sprint knowing that all components and features of our branch complement the game ideology and thus, making our contribution vital.

Aims & Objectives

  • Seek information regarding how many weapons should be included by the end of this game
  • Understand whether weapons currently created suit the theme according to user values
  • Attain understanding into how many buffs/debuffs should be expected from users


  1. How many weapons are appropriate for a two-staged game?
  2. What weapons would you expect to see within the final version of this game?
  3. Do you think that having 4 buffs/ debuffs is reasonable for a game of this size? Currently, we have attack speed, attack damage, burn and poison buffs/debuffs.
  4. What image comes to mind when the word "projectile weapon" is mentioned? a. Would you think that a plunger would fit this context?

User Feedback

  • Majority of individuals (36.4%) agreed that 7 weapons would be suitable for a game of this size
  • Supports decision for a plunger bow projectile weapon as there are currently only 6 weapons within the game
  • Reponses regarding current game state and weapons that have been incorporated was deemed as acceptable by users as it aligned together with their thoughts in terms of what weapons they thought should be within the game – items included:
    • Tridents
    • Swords
    • Daggers
    • Bows
    • Plunger
    • Staffs
    • Axe
  • We note that since we have multiple melee weapons, implementation of new weapon will need to be projectile – bow
  • Majority of 54.55% of users agreed that projectile weapon should take the form of a bow of some sort
  • Users agreed upon having the projectile to be a common (level 2) weapon that could be crafted within the game that did impacted enemies with a medium damage
  • 100% of user base agreed that having four buffs and debuffs was acceptable for a game of this size
  • One user thought that having fewer weapons with more buffs may fit the theme of the game

User Testing Implementation Items:

  • Creation of new projectile weapon should be created
  • Takes form of some sort of bow and arrow
  • Individual mentioned bow plunger, this will be taken into consideration when creating the weapon
    • Plunger bow inspiration can now be proceeded with
  • Creation of weapon attack animation swings (with buffs) can now be implemented (User testing for this can be found here)
    • Fire Buff
    • Toxic Buff
    • Attack Speed Buff
    • Attack Damage Buff

Raw Data

image image image image image image image image image image image

Future Directions

As the next sprint is about refining and fine-tuning the game, think aloud should be utilised to user test individuals. This allows us to attain qualitative data on what users physically think about the game but more specifically, features regarding the combat items in depth. Furthermore, this would also provide us with an idea on whether the feedback implemented by users within this sprint was translated correctly into the game. Specific items of feedback and subsequently, questions to be asked and actively tested for are as follows:

  1. Swing pathing of a default weapon (E.g. No buff)
  2. Swing pathing with buffs activated
  3. Timer icon buff/ debuff shown on player status bar
  4. Requirements for left and right/ up and down attack animations
  5. Whether the combat items implemented within this game is complex enough

Some methods we could utilise to achieve the above may include:

  1. Live demonstration of the game for users to play around with the different components implemented during the initial sprints.
  2. ‘Play experience’ for users to freely play the game and explore the features within the game.
  3. Further research to understand possible areas of improvement in terms of user interaction and integration of animation within the game.


Caleb Ang (@PurrplePandaa) (Caleb Ang)

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