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v3_LCC MULC Blended Levels ALL

Donald Ebert edited this page Aug 22, 2024 · 1 revision

MULC Blended Levels ALL

US EPA EnviroAtlas Meter-Scale Urban Land Cover ALL

No raster values except those representing NODATA are excluded from the calculation of reporting unit effective area (i.e., effective area equals the total raster area within a reporting unit).

No coefficient values for impervious area, nitrogen loading, or phosphorous loading calculations are provided.

For more information about the MULC Blended Levels dataset go to:

For US EPA EnviroAtlas community specific MULC, you can access fact sheets from

MULC Blended Levels ALL - Value Table

Value Description Excluded Nitrogen Phosphorus Impervious Class(es)
10 Water
20 Impervious Surface imp
30 Soil and Barren bar
40 Trees and Forest green, veg, for, mfor
52 Shrubs green, veg, shb
70 Grass and Herbaceous green, veg, grs
80 Row Crops green, ag, agrc
82 Orchards green, ag, agor, veg, mfor
91 Woody Wetlands green, veg, for, mfor, wet, wetw
92 Emergent Wetlands green, veg, wet, wete

MULC Blended Levels ALL - Class Table

Class Name abbv Value
All Vegetative Areas green 40,52,70,80,82,91,92
Agriculture ag 80,82
Row Crops agrc 80
Orchards agor 82
Natural Vegetation veg 40,52,70,82,91,92
Trees/Forest, and Woody Wetlands for 40,91
Trees/Forest, Orchards, and Woody Wetlands mfor 40,82,91
Grass and Herbaceous grs 70
Shrub shb 52
Wetlands wet 91, 92
Woody Wetlands wetw 91
Emergent Wetlands wete 92
Soil and Barren bar 30
Impervious Surface imp 20
Water wtr 10
View MULC Blended Levels ALL XML

MULC Blended Levels ALL XML

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<lccSchema xmlns="lcc" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="lcc LCCSchema.xsd">
        <name>EnviroAtlas Meter-Scale Urban Land Cover LAND</name>
        <description>The EnviroAtlas One Meter-scale Urban Land Cover (MULC) Data were generated individually for each EnviroAtlas community. Source imagery varies by community. Land cover classes mapped also vary by community and include the following: water, impervious surfaces, soil and barren land, trees, shrub, grass and herbaceous, agriculture, orchards, woody wetlands, and emergent wetlands. No raster values except those representing NODATA are excluded from the calculation of reporting unit effective area (i.e., effective area equals the total raster area within a reporting unit). Percentage metrics are based on the effective area of a reporting unit, not necessarily its total area.</description>
        * The coefficients node contains coefficients to be assigned to values.
        * Id - text, unique identifier
        * Name - text, word or phrase describing coefficient
        * fieldName - text, name of field to be created for output
        *           - must conform to the field naming conventions dictated by the output database system
        * method - text, "P" or "A", designates "P"ercentage or per unit "A"rea calculation routine
        <coefficient Id="IMPERVIOUS" Name="Percent Cover Total Impervious Area" fieldName="PCTIA" method="P" />
        <coefficient Id="NITROGEN" Name="Estimated Nitrogen Loading Based on Land Cover" fieldName="N_Load" method="A" />
        <coefficient Id="PHOSPHORUS" Name="Estimated Phosphorus Loading Based on Land Cover" fieldName="P_Load" method="A" />
        * The values node defines the full set of values that can exist in a land cover raster.
        * Id - integer, raster code
        * Name - text, word or phrase describing value
        * excluded - boolean, "true" or "false" or "1" or "0"
        *          - used to exclude values from effective area calculations
        *          - excluded=false is the default 
        * A value element can optionally contain one or more coefficient elements

        * Id - text, must match an Id attribute from a coefficients node element
        * value - decimal, weighting/calculation factor
        <value Id="10" Name="Water">
            <coefficient Id="IMPERVIOUS" value="0.0" />
            <coefficient Id="NITROGEN" value="0.0" />
            <coefficient Id="PHOSPHORUS" value="0.0" />
        <value Id="20" Name="Impervious Surface">
            <coefficient Id="IMPERVIOUS" value="0.0" />
            <coefficient Id="NITROGEN" value="0.0" />
            <coefficient Id="PHOSPHORUS" value="0.0" />
        <value Id="30" Name="Soil and Barren">
            <coefficient Id="IMPERVIOUS" value="0.0" />
            <coefficient Id="NITROGEN" value="0.0" />
            <coefficient Id="PHOSPHORUS" value="0.0" />
        <value Id="40" Name="Trees and Forest">
            <coefficient Id="IMPERVIOUS" value="0.0" />
            <coefficient Id="NITROGEN" value="0.0" />
            <coefficient Id="PHOSPHORUS" value="0.0" />
        <value Id="52" Name="Shrubs">
            <coefficient Id="IMPERVIOUS" value="0.0" />
            <coefficient Id="NITROGEN" value="0.0" />
            <coefficient Id="PHOSPHORUS" value="0.0" />
        <value Id="70" Name="Grass and Herbaceous">
            <coefficient Id="IMPERVIOUS" value="0.0" />
            <coefficient Id="NITROGEN" value="0.0" />
            <coefficient Id="PHOSPHORUS" value="0.0" />
        <value Id="80" Name="Row Crops">
            <coefficient Id="IMPERVIOUS" value="0.0" />
            <coefficient Id="NITROGEN" value="0.0" />
            <coefficient Id="PHOSPHORUS" value="0.0" />
        <value Id="82" Name="Orchards">
            <coefficient Id="IMPERVIOUS" value="0.0" />
            <coefficient Id="NITROGEN" value="0.0" />
            <coefficient Id="PHOSPHORUS" value="0.0" />
        <value Id="91" Name="Woody Wetlands">
            <coefficient Id="IMPERVIOUS" value="0.0" />
            <coefficient Id="NITROGEN" value="0.0" />
            <coefficient Id="PHOSPHORUS" value="0.0" />
        <value Id="92" Name="Emergent Wetlands">
            <coefficient Id="IMPERVIOUS" value="0.0" />
            <coefficient Id="NITROGEN" value="0.0" />
            <coefficient Id="PHOSPHORUS" value="0.0" />
        * The classes node contains values from a land cover raster grouped into one or more classes.
        * Id - text, unique identifier, also used for automated generation of output field name
        *    - must conform to the field naming conventions dictated by the output database system
        * Name - text, word or phrase describing class
        * filter - text, a string of one or more tool name abbreviations separated by a ";"
        *        - possible abbreviations are: caem, flcp, flcv, lcosp, lcp, np, plcv, pm, rlcp, and splcp
        *        - used to exclude the class from the selectable classes in the tool's GUI
        * xxxxField - text, overrides ATtILA-generated field name for output
        *           - where xxxx equals a tool name abbreviation
        *           - possible abbreviations are: caem, flcp, flcv, lcosp, lcp, rlcp, and splcp
        *           - a separate xxxxField attribute can exist for each tool
        *           - must conform to the field naming conventions dictated by the output database system

        * A class can contain either values or classes but not both types.
        * Value elements contain only an Id attribute which refers to a value in a raster.
        * Values tagged as excluded="true" in the values node should not be included in any class.
        <class Id="green" Name="All Vegetative Areas" filter="">
            <class Id="ag" Name="Agriculture" filter="">
                <class Id="agrc" Name="Row Crops" filter="">
                    <value Id="80" />
                <class Id="agor" Name="Orchards" filter="">
                    <value Id="82" />
            <class Id="veg" Name="Natural Vegetation" filter="">
                <class Id="for" Name="Trees/Forest, and Woody Wetlands" filter="">
                    <value Id="40" />
                    <value Id="91" />
                <class Id="mfor" Name="Trees/Forest, Orchards, and Woody Wetlands" filter="">
                    <value Id="40" />
                    <value Id="82" />
                    <value Id="91" />
                <class Id="grs" Name="Grass and Herbaceous" filter="">
                    <value Id="70" />
                <class Id="shb" Name="Shrub" filter="">
                    <value Id="52" />
                <class Id="wet" Name="Wetlands" filter="">
                    <class Id="wetw" Name="Woody Wetlands" filter="">
                        <value Id="91" />
                    <class Id="wete" Name="Emergent Wetlands" filter="">
                        <value Id="92" />
        <class Id="bar" Name="Soil and Barren" filter="">
            <value Id="30" />
        <class Id="imp" Name="Impervious Surface" filter="">
            <value Id="20" />
        <class Id="wtr" Name="Water" filter="">
            <value Id="10" />

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