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Releases: Venafi/terraform-provider-venafi

v0.21.2 Fix: bumps libraries

22 Jan 17:27
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Bumps libraries to fix found CVE's

v0.21.1: Minor fixes

12 Sep 16:39
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  • Fixed linter errors.
  • Add missing documentation to configure an Venafi Provider for EU.

v0.21.0: Support for Cloud Provisioning in Venafi Control Plane

11 Jun 22:14
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What's New

  • Adds new resource cloud_keystore_installation, which allows provisioning a certificate from Venafi inventory to a pre-configured Cloud Keystore (ACM, AKV, GCM).
  • Adds new data source cloud_provider to retrieve the ID of an existing Cloud Provider from Venafi Control Plane.
  • Adds new data source cloud_keystore to retrieve the ID of an existing Cloud Keystore from Venafi Control Plane.

What's Changed

  • Removes the requirement of key_password for service-generated certificates in venafi_certificate resource.
  • Removes the requirement of key_password for certificate imports (import only supports service-generated certificates).
  • Updates logic of expiration_window attribute. Now, when certificate expiration is within the expiration window, the certificate will be renewed in the same terraform run the issue is reported.

v0.20.0: Changed attribute name idp_jwt to external_jwt

11 Apr 17:36
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What's Changed

  • Changed provider attribute name idp_jwt to external_jwt. This attribute is required for authentication using service-account in Venafi Control Plane

v0.19.0: Support for VCP service account authentication

08 Apr 18:53
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What's Changed

  • Added two new attributes for VCP service account authentication:
    • token_url: the url to request the VCP access token
    • idp_jwt: the JWT from the identity provider associated to the service account that requests the token

Every time the terraform plan runs, a new VCP access token will be requested.

v0.18.0: Support to retire certificate in Venafi Platform

28 Feb 02:11
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What's Changed

  • Now when an infrastructure is decommissioned, the associated certificate will be automatically retired from the Venafi Platform (TLSPDC and TLSPC).
  • Added the skip_retirement provider configuration option to disable the certificate retirement functionality.

v0.17.2: Prepare provider for use with venafi-token provider

07 Oct 00:38
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What's Changed

Updates necessary for using this provider along with the new venafi-token provider

v0.17.1: Changes to support terraform-provider-venati-token

03 Oct 18:46
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What's Changed

Removes an error thrown during provider configuration. Instead the error is thrown at resource creation. This work is necessary to allow the venafi-token provider to successfully manage the tokens of this provider.

v0.17.0: Support for client certificate authentication

26 Sep 17:59
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What's Changed

  • Feat: Added docs section for usage with EMEA accounts
  • Upgraded plugin to use golang v1.21
  • Added support for PFX client certificate authentication by adding two new attributes: p12_cert_filename and p12_cert_password
  • Added ability to customize client id through a new attribute client_id.
  • Added default client_id value: hashicorp-terraform-by-venafi

Exposes nickname attribute for Venafi certificate resource, includes bug fix

07 Oct 18:32
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  • Exposes nickname attribute for Venafi's certificate resource in order to have the ability to override TPP's certificate object name
  • Fixes a bug that were would let bad certificate key-pair be store into Terraform's state during creation of the certificate resource.

Exposing the nickname will allow you to handle some special scenarios. Example usage:

resource "venafi_certificate" "tls_server_tpp" {
  provider = venafi.tpp
  count = 3 # create 3 certificates with same hostname
  nickname = "${local.asset_name} - ${count.index}"
  common_name = local.asset_name
  san_dns = [
  algorithm = "RSA"
  rsa_bits = "2048"