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v0.21.0: Support for Cloud Provisioning in Venafi Control Plane

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@vfidevbot vfidevbot released this 11 Jun 22:14
· 31 commits to master since this release

What's New

  • Adds new resource cloud_keystore_installation, which allows provisioning a certificate from Venafi inventory to a pre-configured Cloud Keystore (ACM, AKV, GCM).
  • Adds new data source cloud_provider to retrieve the ID of an existing Cloud Provider from Venafi Control Plane.
  • Adds new data source cloud_keystore to retrieve the ID of an existing Cloud Keystore from Venafi Control Plane.

What's Changed

  • Removes the requirement of key_password for service-generated certificates in venafi_certificate resource.
  • Removes the requirement of key_password for certificate imports (import only supports service-generated certificates).
  • Updates logic of expiration_window attribute. Now, when certificate expiration is within the expiration window, the certificate will be renewed in the same terraform run the issue is reported.