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Releases: Walheimat/wal-emacs

Register to jump

24 Feb 09:08
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2.2.11 (2024-02-24)


  • diff-hl: replace command-map bindings (a42270b)
  • elisp: remove increased delay (1a528ce)
  • magit: bind magit-log in transient (d8a7d7c)
  • magit: group transient like manual (15bbb40)
  • partial-recall: activate new mode (01646d0)
  • partial-recall: enable both new modes (5a0d483)
  • partial-recall: enable concentration (ef551d3)
  • register: add quick registers (d8023c2)
  • register: swap {point=>jump}-to-register (7cda2e3)

Bug Fixes

  • display-buffer: don't use nw frames (517ff8b)


  • consult,org-agenda: add wal-consult-org-agenda-buffer (0bc8fb0)

Finally not done

09 Feb 19:35
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2.2.10 (2024-02-09)


  • org-capture: unnarrowed for c, finalize t with tags (24cd8c0)
  • org: ask for note when leaving blocked state (e8169c3)
  • prelude: don't hide upgrade compilation (f9d4272)
  • ship-mate: enable newly factored out modes (ca78302)
  • ship-mate: enable ship-mate-dinghy-global-mode (1084a8d)
  • vertico: easier binding for vertico-multiform-vertical (37017e8)

Bug Fixes

  • js: use JSON mode for rc files (4a5d740)
  • org-capture: pass project to find tasks file (e0108f2)
  • workspace: allow relative paths for parent project (ff27028)


  • config: don't fold style guide (55251b3)
  • org-capture: template to add new task for other project (c7ce0f9)
  • prelude: ask to restart after successful upgrade (726944e)

Mantic release

28 Jan 13:12
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2.2.9 (2024-01-28)

Bug Fixes

  • lsp,junk: fix docstring (6029049)
  • pdf-tools: declare as junk extra (f6b47e8)
  • surround: provide definition name when binding key (0a1f29a)


  • ci: add semantic-release (7327138)
  • consult,flymake,flycheck: bind wal-consult-error (dcaa551)
  • dogears: remove package (cb637f9)

Minor groove

22 Jan 19:33
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Minor groove.


  • groovy-mode and jenkinsfile-mode as Java junk extras.


  • Clocking out now prompts the user to select the next state. Instead of providing wal-project-vterm, vterm is now advised to prefer using a project-specific buffer. :wal-bind[-keymap] only supports a minimal version of :bind[-keymap], namely keys, remaps and binding to maps. typescript-mode is now mostly configured like js-mode. Command wal-org-agenda-take-note now defaults to taking note for current task (if it exists) unless it's called with prefix argument.


  • :wal-bind now handles passing a remap vector.

Note again

22 Jan 19:34
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Note again.


  • Configured outline-minor-mode. All prog-mode modes now use it. Instead of only saving buffers when notes were taken for clocking out, taking notes always save that buffer.


  • wal-org-clock-take-note was removed in favor of extending wal-org-agenda-take-note. When called with argument, this will now take note for the clocked task. - Key bindings were changed: - H-p still stores point, but H-M-p stores window register - H-h now invokes project-find-file - H-y invokes jump-to-register - H-i now completes - H-M-j now jumps to char with timer using avy


  • org-clock-auto-clockout-insinuate is no longer called. Instead org-clock-idle-time was re-added. - org-clock-auto-clock-resolution is the default value again. - outline-minor-mode-highlight is no longer set. - wal-org-content since using org-content with numeric prefix is preferable.


  • Clocking out now uses wal-org-clock-out-switch-to-state to only set todo state if there was one before.

In grace you drank

03 Jan 16:19
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In grace you drank.


  • consult transient only binds two register commands now (consult-register and wal-consult-unregister). - compilation-max-output-line-length is set to nil. - org-todo-keywords now require notes for changes to WAITING, BLOCKED and CANCELED. - Modes derived from text-mode enable auto-fill-mode again. - Instead of being prompted to resolve an idle clock, an automatic clock out happens.


  • org-clock-persistence-insinuate is now called to make org-clock-persist actually try to reload a running clock.

Clock and load

27 Dec 07:54
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Clock and load.


  • Clocking in and out now saves the buffer. Which non-required packages are loaded can now be customized using wal-additional-packages which includes all optional packages. The number of tangled files is now displayed as well as the touched files.


  • Calling consult-theme with a prefix argument now customizes wal-theme. - Calling wal-set-{fixed,variable}-font-height now sets the respective custom variable. - Clocking out now puts task state to WAITING by default. - Swapped C-c T and C-c t (clocking out and taking note).


  • The size of the animation is now updated when fonts are updated. wal-consult-clock-in now only matches non-archived and active headings. Open projects are no longer hidden. ship-mate compilations use wdb-faraway again.

Binding light

18 Dec 08:57
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Binding light.


  • wal-org-agenda-take-note to do just that, bound to C-c n.
  • Package gumshoe as alternative to dogears (might remove both again soon).
  • dinghy-rope is now installed during ensure
  • winner now ignores buffers that use a buffer because of vertico.
  • The newly free H-p and H-y are temporarily bound to point-to-register and jump-to-register.


  • vertico-sort-function is no longer customized (meaning it uses vertico-sort-history-alpha again).
  • repeat-exit-timeout was increased to 5 seconds.
  • Bindings for multiple-cursor repeat map have been made more ergonomic.
  • org-clock bindings now use C-c {t,T}.
  • All consult commands are now bound in consult transient.
  • The concept of pre-narrowing consult commands was removed again.
  • consult-buffer and project-find-file now use vertico-multiform style buffer.
  • H-j now does what H-u used to do: go to word, quick exit with selection.
  • wal-project-dired-root was removed (since project-dired does the same thing).
  • Custom eshell command was removed; vterm one now uses project-prefixed-buffer-name like project-eshell.


  • org-habit no longer force-loads org-agenda.

Whale form

09 Dec 10:09
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Whale form.


  • wal-update now calls script that uses package-vc-upgrade-all to upgrade all wal-bridge and eventually tangles. - C-c v is bound to wal-org-capture-project-tasks. - While editing this config, the swimming whale posframe is displayed again for project buffers. Can be disabled by setting wal-config-show-animation to nil. All variables and functions have been renamed from wal-ascii-whale-* to wal-config-animation-. - Package surround. - Package dogears now has custom command wal-dogears-list which pops to or toggles the list. It was moved to find package.


  • rg-isearch-current-file is now bound to M-s n instead of H-n when isearch is active. - dogears has idle timer enabled again and hooks removed. - Commands executed through the prelude's wal--compile function don't display the buffer anymore. They can be displayed using new command wal-show-compilation-result bound in whaler to r.


  • org-agenda is no longer implicitly loaded by partial-recall. markdown-mode and org-mode no longer enable flycheck-mode. magit-process-buffer has double the size.

Extrinsic vice

09 Dec 10:08
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Extrinsic vice.


  • other-frame is now bound in other-window-repeat-map. Package dogears as a trial. My package ship-mate which is functionality spun out from this config.


  • Fringe mark for bookmark was disabled. org-capture-templates was reworked. Plain p now is for plain entries in the file (unnarrowed) while t is adding new tasks. [The following are included in ship-mate] Commands added to (formerly) wal-project-command history no longer replace the one matched against. They're just inserted. [This is a feature of ship-mate]. recompile is now advised to set the compile-history to that of the last (formerly) wal-project-* command if the compile-command matches.


  • [The following are included in ship-mate] Updating the history of (formerly) wal-project-* commands now uses fuzzy matching instead of just checking the last compile-command (as this can lead to erroneous replacements). (formerly) wal-project-command no longer infinitely extends a command's history.