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Releases: Walheimat/wal-emacs

Turtle hour

23 Jul 09:10
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Turtle hour.


  • wal-project-update. wal-eshell as a project-aware wrapper around eshell. It will create a new eshell buffer for a project or pop to an existing one. vterm and its utility functions were re-added and slightly amended. wal-tab-bar-rename-from-project to do just that.


  • The corfu-auto-{delay,prefix} were changed (or removed) for several languages. - eshell buffers are now displayed at the bottom in a dedicated side window. - wal-project-{install,publish} now use comint-mode. - wal-project-commands now accept a prefix argument to toggle the mode they usually use and will give accurate information in their docstrings.


  • wal-run-test now uses correct bydi function and loads bydi-report. - comint-mode buffers are now part of the consult source for compilations. - wal-eshell now requires eshell.

Here but mostly there

15 Jul 17:51
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Here but mostly there.


  • Key :comint that can be passed to wal-project-create-command to make sure a command is run in comint-mode instead. - Command wal-project-run that uses the new option. - Compilation buffers can now be narrowed using c. This consult source uses new function wal-switch-to-buffer-obeying-display-actions.


  • Subsections in wal-emacs were removed. search-whitespace-regexp was set to allow for matching any char with space. consult-imenu and consult-outline are now bound in consult transient. dired-kill-when-opening-new-dired-buffer is no longer enabled. When locating project tasks, the user is prompted to select a project if not in a project currently.


  • wal-major-delight and the silly names for certain major modes that were ignored in treesit variants. - Custom bindings for jinx were removed.


  • The advice added to recompile for wal-project commands no longer breaks its functionality outside of projects (notably affecting rg). - Functions wdb-nearby and wdb-farway no longer add nil parameters. This might also have led to issues where windows could no longer be targeted by other-window.


24 Jun 16:59
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  • Command wal-project-find-in-here to find a project file in the
  • New project command coverage defaulting to make coverage.


  • Function wal-insert-after now allows passing optional fourth
    argument to quietly ignore a no-op instead of raising a user error.
  • org-mode no longer runs auto-fill-mode. Its major now binds
    visual-line-mode. Packagevisual-fill-column is now explicitly
    declared as a package and runs when visual-line-mode is run.
  • Command wal-supernova now quits windows until no target remains.
  • Macro wal-project-create-command now uses cl-defmacro and has
    optional keys key (to not default it) and default to set an
    initial command.
  • org-capture and custom wal-org-capture-switch-to-project-task
    are no longer part of the transient for org-roam. They're not
    bound using a parallel to C-c c.
  • smerge now uses C-c g and recompile uses C-c r.


  • Helper package wal-pacify was moved to dinghy.

Prism break

17 Jun 10:17
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Prism break.


  • Default value variables created by macro
    wal-project-create-command are now marked as safe-local-variable
    so that they don't need to be added manually every time.


  • wal-use-package-ensure-elpa no longer checks if a package is a
    junk package since this is now a feature of junk itself when
    junk-use-package-setup is called.
  • Switched to using dinghy.
  • wal-settings now considers find-sibling-rules a safe variable.


  • consult-buffer-filter is no longer customized.


  • wal-project-* commands are only added to history if not present.

Far-away troubles

11 Jun 13:33
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Far-away troubles.


  • org-agenda-todo-yesterday is now bound in org-agenda-mode-map.


  • All test suites now new the newly added bydi patterns.
  • Package wal-line was renamed to whale-line.
  • commitlint rules now include fixed types.
  • wal-core-vc-packages now use specs.


  • Function wal-matches-in-string as well as
    wal-check-coverage--{calculate-coverage,add} which are now part of
    bydi package.
  • junk--pack-p is only used if bound.
  • Package whale-line is loaded after all-the-icons.

Bridge twofer

09 Jun 18:43
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Bridge twofer.


  • New library file wal-bridge contains all of my own packages.


  • partial-recall was spun out as its own package.
  • harpoon was spun out as its own package.
  • junk was spun out as its own package.
  • Testing macros were spun out as their own package as bydi.
  • Pre-narrowing is now always enabled for consult.
  • wdb-{faraway,nearby} now default to

Pizza time

27 May 16:59
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Pizza time.


  • The internal structure of wal-partial-recall (see below) now uses
    cl-defstruct to create memories and moments; memories are rings of
    moments and an original size; moments are buffers and timestamps
    that refer to when they were added; the ring will now grow if adding
    a new buffer would kick an existing buffer but that buffer is not
    older than wal-partial-recall-threshold (new custom variable,
    defaults to 60) seconds; buffers that belong to a different memory
    are reclaimed if visited when wal-partial-recall-reclaim-threshold
    (5 minutes by default) is exceeded.
  • Custom variable wal-consult-buffer-narrow-source with options
    recall (the new default) and project that determines which source
    to pre-narrow to.
  • Custom variable wal-consult-pre-narrowed commands that is set to
    consult-buffer to give more control of which commands should be
    narrowed if toggled on.
  • The format used in wal-run-test and wal-run-test-file can now be
    toggled between text and json using
  • Tool package wal-pacify that checks all tangled files for
    byte-compile and doc issues using flymake now has a test suite.
  • Convenience command wal-config-load-test-helper to do just that.
    Bound to e in whaler.


  • wal-tab-buffers-* functionality was renamed to
    wal-partial-recall-*. It is still associated with tabs. See above
    for new functionality. Tabs now get a custom key that is created on
    tab creation to keep track of their buffer history. This means tabs
    no longer need an explicit name to have one and that renaming them
    doesn't wipe out their association with their history.
  • Recall limit can now be customized through wal-total-recall-limit.
  • whaler was restructured.
  • The ASCII whale animation is now done using indirect buffers meaning
    it can be enabled and disabled for individual buffers.
  • wal-run-test-file now reads from test directory.
  • The config buffers are no longer ignored by consult.


  • Package wal-settings no longer attempts to create a site-lisp
    directory to make sure it only actually sets things (it will still
    recursively load it).
  • Package wal-settings no longer defines any functions (moved to
  • Package wal-settings no longer creates key bindings; this was
    moved to wal-key-bindings.
  • All packages now explicitly require the packages they depend on.
    Only relevant if wal-packages is altered before bootstrapping.
  • wal-agenda-buffer-p now uses org-agenda-file-p.
  • Some unnecessary code was replaced in tests to make them run faster.
  • Table entries for wal-partial-recall are deleted on

Name face

18 May 21:13
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Name face.


  • Tab buffers. Tabs that have been explicitly named now have a history
    of buffers found in their context. This is used in a consult
    buffer source that can be narrowed to using t.


  • Packages font and look were folded into visuals.
  • wdb-nearby and wdb-faraway were refactored to accept (mostly)
    the same key arguments. wdb-faraway now has key parameter bottom
    to use display-buffer-at-bottom. wdb-nearby now allows setting
    either direction or side. Window widths and heights are no
    longer defaulted.
  • python-mode-major no longer binds individual send commands.
    inferior-python-mode now enables corfu.
  • Package wal-func was renamed to wal-useful.
  • Package wal-external was renamed to wal-package.
  • Running make alone should install everything now, including
  • Default setup for org-src is used.
  • Customization is no longer part of wal-settings. It's now part of
    wal-prelude which makes the settings package optional.
  • wal-prelude-bootstrap now only takes a single optional argument
    that sets its mode (plain, cold, ensure or default normal).


  • Commands wal-set-indent-defaults and wal-reset-indent-defaults.
    Indentation variables are customized in their respective packages


  • wal-prelude now renders the contents of the init.el template
    using the source directory. This should allow for the clone not
    having to live in the user-emacs-directory and have any chosen
  • The messages buffer no longer has conflicting display-buffer
  • lsp-ui-doc-show-with-mouse is now disabled to avoid messing with
    help echos.
  • Running Emacs with --ensure should no longer attempt to install
    built-in packages.
  • Running wal-prelude-tangle-config now touches files in
    wal-prelude--phony-build-dependencies to avoid needless cask install runs.
  • switch-to-buffer-obey-display-actions is no longer set to t
    since it leads to buffer position being lost on switch-to-buffer.

Check make

12 May 19:23
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Check make.


  • Command recompile is now bound to C-c c.
  • Utility function wal-project-local-value that uses
    buffer-local-value on the project's root folder.
  • Script tools/ to update references to old tags.
  • Command wal-supernova to quit windows displaying otherwise hidden
    buffers. Bound to C-c o.


  • Tool wal-pacify now uses flymake instead of flycheck to prep
    it for running in CI.
  • Commands wal-check-coverage and wal-create-json-coverage were
    replaced by wal-run-test that runs make test and will
    create JSON coverage when called with C-u.
  • Command wal-run-test-file to select a single file to run.


  • Order in wal-prelude to allow cold-boot to work again.

Pleasure island

06 May 18:15
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Pleasure island.


  • Command wal-org-capture-switch-to-project-tasks is now bound in
    project-switch-commands to t.
  • Local variable wal-project-parent-project used in
  • Command wal-project-switch-to-parent-project using local
  • wal-prelude now has a test suite and full coverage.
  • js-mode and java-mode now enable subword-mode.


  • Function wal-org-capture--find-project-tasks-heading now gets the
    buffer-local heading as well buffer-local
  • Package diff-hl was moved to wal-vc.
  • Data files init.eld and tempel.eld now live in data/
  • Command wal-config-root was replaced with
    wal-config-switch-project to make use of
  • User-prefixed k quick-completes during vertico and corfu


  • Package diff-hl is now loaded after magit again to avoid the
    hooks being possibly overridden.


  • Templates in templates/ directory (data files were moved, see