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Releases: Walheimat/wal-emacs

Itchy and patchy

19 Nov 18:11
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Itchy and patchy.


  • wal-update to invoke all necessary commands and Makefile targets to have the latest changes installed. - wal-project-command now tries to update its history when compilation-start is run.


  • compile is bound again to C-c i.


  • wal-scratch-persist no longer persists the initial-scratch-message. - Additional scratch buffers are prepped correctly (initial message and mode).

Prelude to peace

12 Nov 18:07
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Prelude to peace.


  • Local variable wal-org-capture-tasks-file can now also be set to a path relative to org-directory. - Package org-habit-stats as an extra of new junk expansion org. - org-stuck-projects is now configured to use tag group "energy".


  • org-agenda buffers are ignored by partial-recall. Prelude package was renamed from wal-prelude to just wal after linting (requires re-running make local to update the bootstrapper). All library files are now tangled using wal--tangle-target. All internal path variable were renamed. Persistent tag @growth was replaced with @wellbeing. Functions wal-package-{installed,built-in}-p were moved to wal-package. wal-consult-project is now called with :require-match t.


  • all-the-icons-dired-mode is now advised to not be triggered for non-GUI frames. - wal-ignore-if-not-installed now uses wal-package-installed-p to make sure missed built-ins aren't ignored if they set :hook. - Custom prefix map wal-project-prefix-map is now bound directly to avoid losing the prefix argument on first invocation.

Minimal comfort

04 Nov 18:26
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Minimal comfort.


  • Command wal-org-clock-kill-current-task to do just that. The minimal setup (with flag --mini or customizing wal-minimal) is now actually minimal, loading (for now) only built-in packages and marked packages. Initial scratch message now contains a comment about the setup. Custom variable wal-hyper-mock that defaults to C-c w. It is bound in function-key-map to apply hyper modifier. This makes wal-use-hyper-prefix obsolete. Package corfu-terminal.


  • Custom use-package keyword :wal-ways now defaults to nil.


  • Custom variable wal-minimal-exclude. Custom variable wal-use-hyper-prefix (see above).


  • Macros for wal-capture-flag were moved to wal-package since otherwise packages in wal-bridge are not affected.

Fishing for complements

28 Oct 12:20
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Fishing for complements.


  • dashboard-refresh-buffer is now bound in ambassador to 0. Binding for compile (C-c t) was removed. Org tags are now grouped and no longer define select characters. This is because of the fix below; files can now freely define their own tags and both the predefined and the file-specific tags can be chosen. The package tags are now grouped under package. Neither flycheck-mode nor flymake-mode hook into prog-mode anymore. This is because harpoon now allows to set a checker function that can be overridden (which is done for emacs-lisp-mode and gdscript-mode).


  • org-tag-persistent-alist is now set instead of org-tag-alist.

Visible introspection

15 Oct 10:52
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Visible introspection.


  • Better package documentation. Local variable wal-org-capture-tasks-file. When set, locating the heading will try that file first. This allows tasks file living outside of a project again. Command wal-config-org-tags-view to search for tags in the config. When called with C-u matches all package tags. Adds tags to all package configurations to indicate where they are sourced from. Command map for diff-hl is now bound to d in ambassador (docker was moved to o).


  • Function wal-insert now uses keyword arguments for allow-duplicates, before and quiet. - Binding for j in dired-jump-map is removed because it interferes with dired-goto-file. - Bindings in wal-project-prefix-map. - Completion of files with cape now uses C-c /. - emacs-lisp-mode now uses flymake.


  • Binding to M-o in sgml-mode's html-mode is rebound to C-M-o in order to not interfere with wal-switch-to-other-buffer.

Longer safe

01 Oct 09:05
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Longer safe.


  • Setting project-vc-name is marked as safe for strings. Setting the various custom local variables is now considered safe. consult is no longer advised to put the current buffer first. gdscript-mode was updated to use eglot, flycheck, and wal-maybe-enable-tabs. Package configurations are no longer divided into Utility and Configuration sections.


  • Commands wal-tab-bar-switch-to-buffer-tab and wal-tab-bar-rename-from-project.

Prompt inaction

11 Sep 17:06
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Prompt inaction.


  • profiler commands are now bound in administrator. The bootstrapper is no longer required to live at the end of the init file (although it will always be appended to the end on creation). cargo-process-run-example is now bound in Rust major. Tangling the config now notifies immediately.


  • proselint checker is disabled (has to be enabled manually). wal-project-command switches to comint with numeric prefix argument 0. wal-project-command no longer prompts unless called with a prefix argument as long as the history is non-empty. consult-buffer and tab-switch use flat completion. Autosave variables have been adjusted downwards (more autosaves). multiple-cursors-mode is now "prominent" in minions.


  • wal-project-create-command no longer accepts key :comint. All commands use compile by default again; see above. - Functions wal-delete-edit-or-kill, wal-pad-string and wal-reset-to-standard.


  • wal-read-sensible-font-height now uses face-attribute to retrieve the current value; no command sets custom variables anymore. - Open and closed projects are now differentiated during completion (no duplicates).

Valued locals

18 Aug 09:58
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Valued locals.


  • Command wal-switch-to-other-buffer bound to M-o.
  • Commands created by wal-project-create-command now also create variable wal-project-{cmd}-reverse-mode that allows overriding the default usage (comint or compile) for the given command.


  • Pre-narrowing in consult is off by default.
  • dired-auto-revert-buffer is now set to dired-directory-changed-p.
  • savehist-additional-variables is now set to (kill-ring).
  • xref-search-program is set to ripgrep if possible.
  • vertico-multiform-commands now set {switch-to,consult}-buffer and tab-switch to use unobtrusive. Previous configurations are done via vertico-multiform-categories. Switching to the vertical view and back is bound to user-prefixed i.
  • initial-major-mode is no longer set to fundamental-mode.
  • vertico-resize is set to t.
  • transient for consult now calls either consult-org-heading or consult-outline depending on the mode.
  • User-prefixed i now uses avy-goto-char-timer with a timer of 0.4 seconds instead of avy-goto-char.
  • Project task org-capture template no longer adds the file path.


  • partial-recall buffer source is no longer inserted before the default buffer source.
  • corfu-popuinfo is no longer ensured.
  • make test running cask install since the test folder might be more recent than the build folder (see below).
  • wal-project-local-value now uses project--value-in-dir instead of visiting the root buffer and using buffer-local-value.
  • The custom dashboard banners are now chosen by new override advice to dashboard-choose-banner. So having both GUI and terminal frames should yield the appropriate logo.
  • org-capture-templates now set empty lines before and after instead of using newline.


  • Command wal-consult-line as consult-line already adds thing-at-point to history.
  • Command wal-consult-org-heading as narrowing covers most cases.
  • Package definitions in Cask file as installing the package via cask is not (yet) possible.

Dapper capper

05 Aug 16:29
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Dapper capper.


  • Package cape; cape-history is bound for eshell. Configuration for corfu-popupinfo to replace corfu-doc. The company backend dap-mode is now adapted to work with corfu. This is done by overriding dap-ui-repl-company-prefix and mapping the backend with cape's adapter function. woman is now bound in `administator.


  • dired-hide-details-mode is now turned on by default.


  • corfu-doc.

Near prudence

29 Jul 21:37
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Near prudence.


  • wal-project-commands can now have multiple defaults that will be added to the commands history on creation. For example, settings wal-project-build-default-cmd to '("make tangle" "make local") will add both commands to the history leaving "make tangle" as the most recent entry. - repeat-exit-key is now bound to <return>. - wal-org-hide-emphasis-markers that will enable them (or disable them if called with a prefix argument) and fontify the buffer. - wal-insert that works like wal-insert-before but has optional 5th argument to insert before instead (pushing previous 5th argument quiet to position 6). - use-package keywords :sinker to add hook functions at the end and :fhook to add a hook to a -functions variable.


  • org-hide-emphasis-marker is no longer set as t (see above). multiple-cursors now uses a repeat map binding more commands. The only wal-project- commands created now are build, install, clean, run, new execute (the non-interactive equivalent of run) and test.


  • wal-{make,run}[-*] commands as the wal-project-{*} cover all scenarios now. - wal-insert-before was removed (see above).


  • consult-flycheck binding in consult transient no longer overrides consult-recent-file.