This library is intended to provide utility functional interfaces similar to the ones in java.util.function
It also contains a few classes that are just utility but not really functional interfaces
At present it contains the following :
- TriFunction
- TriConsumer
- TriPredicate
- Triplet
- QuadriFunction
- QuadriConsumer
- QuadriPredicate
- Pair
Goto releases and see the latest release, or download it from here.
- Tri Consumers, Functions, Predicates
- Quadri Consumers, Functions, Predicates
- Penta, Hexa, Septa, Octa, Nona, or Deca
Build it like any other gradle project, if you have gradle:
$ gradle build
Or, if you do not have Gradle
$ ./gradlew build
You can also build via Maven,
$ mvn install
The Javadoc can be found
See the "test" sources in src/test/java or here.