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Rahul Chhabra edited this page Jun 13, 2017 · 1 revision

Summary | FAQ

What is FIDS

FIDS (Functional Interfaces don't stop) is an API that provides users with a larger number of functional interfaces to work with, compared to java.util.function

What does FIDS provide ?

It provides the following Functional Interfaces:

  • TriFunction
  • TriConsumer
  • TriPredicate
  • QuadriFunction
  • QuadriConsumer
  • QuadriPredicate And we intent to add more in the near future.

Why use FIDS?

Sometimes you need a Consumer or Function more than two(Uni and BiConsumer/Function are there in java.util.function),that's exactly when FIDS is useful.

Does FIDS provide anything else?

Yes,it provides two classes, Pair and Triplet.

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