Releases: WazeDev/WME-URComments-Enhanced
NEW: Setting to auto zoom out after closing UR panel.
NEW: Shortcut to insert permalink to UR.
NEW: Spreadsheet shortcut of "$PERMALINK$" to insert permalink to UR.
CHANGE: Faster load time.
CHANGE: Far less script execution awaits, letting script run more synchronously.
CHANGE: Style compatibility with WME v2.62-35-g266443036.
BUGFIX: Permalink shortcut icon not working correctly. (2020.09.09.01)
BUGFIX: Side panel alignments in certain situations. (2020.09.09.01)
BUGFIX: Script style setting not correctly showing in settings.
BUGFIX: Better error handling.
BUGFIX: WazeWrap stored settings not applied in some cases.
BUGFIX: Multiple event listeners in certain situations.
BUGFIX: Width of UR panel not wide enough for text (native WME issue).
NEW: Setting to auto zoom out after closing UR panel.
NEW: Shortcut to insert permalink to UR.
NEW: Spreadsheet shortcut of "$PERMALINK$" to insert permalink to UR.
CHANGE: Faster load time.
CHANGE: Far less script execution awaits, letting script run more synchronously.
CHANGE: Style compatibility with WME v2.62-35-g266443036.
BUGFIX: Script style setting not correctly showing in settings.
BUGFIX: Better error handling.
BUGFIX: WazeWrap stored settings not applied in some cases.
BUGFIX: Multiple event listeners in certain situations.
BUGFIX: Width of UR panel not wide enough for text (native WME issue).
NEW: Setting to auto zoom out after closing UR panel.
CHANGE: Faster load time.
CHANGE: Far less script execution awaits, letting script run more synchronously.
CHANGE: Style compatibility with WME v2.62-35-g266443036.
BUGFIX: Script style setting not correctly showing in settings.
BUGFIX: Better error handling.
BUGFIX: WazeWrap stored settings not applied in some cases.
BUGFIX: Multiple event listeners in certain situations.
BUGFIX: Width of UR panel not wide enough for text (native WME issue).
CHANGE: WME map object references.
BUGFIX: Spinner handling routines to reduce or remove stuck spinning.
BUGFIX: Per comment list tag email not saving correctly.
BUGFIX: Spinner handling routines to reduce or remove stuck spinning.
BUGFIX: Per comment list tag email not saving correctly.
CHANGE: Auto save after closed or NI setting no longer requires the auto click open, solved, NI setting.
CHANGE: Reconfigured MutationObservers for better performance.
CHANGE: Removed passing of UR ID between functions as assigned variables.
BUGFIX: UR session data not always populating correctly.
BUGFIX: Force reopening of panel if reminder comment automatically sent and panel was loading or open.
NEW: Added a setting to exclude tagged URs from auto-send reminders
CHANGE: Latest WME compatibility.
CHANGE: Major under-the-hood work to enhance performance.
BUGFIX: Further refinement for latest WME compatibility.
BUGFIX: Error loading in non-translated language locales.
BUGFIX: Restrictions causing errors in certain countries.
BUGFIX: Shortcuts chevron upside down.
CHANGE: WME v2.43-40-gf367bffa4 compatibility.
NEW: Filter icon in tab title bar to quickly toggle UR filtering.
NEW: New spinner icon in URC-E tab title bar to indicate when URC-E is actively processing something.
BUGFIX: UR ID not being detected correctly in certain situations.
NEW: Remember collapsed state of More Information box in UR Panel.
NEW: Unknown venue name (no name on venue / place) is now translatable to locale(s).
NEW: Unknown road name (no name on road / segment) is now translatable to locale(s).
BUGFIX: Translations not loading correctly in certain situations.
BUGFIX: Variable detection improvement.
BUGFIX: Variables slipping through auto-post reminder routine in certain situations.