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Releases: WazeDev/WME-URComments-Enhanced


30 Aug 16:29
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CHANGE: Changed restrictions applied to be a warning icon in settings and comment list.
BUGFIX: Another fix for the restrictions alert.


28 Aug 17:21
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CHANGE: Shortcuts in UR are now collapsible, with state retained in settings.
BUGFIX: Shortcuts not correctly initiating other events.
BUGFIX: Country and state being re-added multiple times by WME. (workaround)


27 Aug 21:41
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NEW: New comment box will have a peachish background color if append mode is enabled.
CHANGE: Major overhaul of output text to limit number of jQuery operations. BIG speed increase.
CHANGE: Removed automated custom sheet creation / conversion.
CHANGE: Added manual custom sheet creation / conversion (conversion will still work).
CHANGE: Alert box completely removed in favor of WazeWrap alerts (missed one or two).
CHANGE: Ability to translate intersection / segment naming to locales.
CHANGE: Catch if row 25 is not set to "GROUP TITLE" and report gracefully.
CHANGE: Queue auto-sent reminders info box and display after completion of routine.
CHANGE: Better handle carriage returns during shortcut insertion.
BUGFIX: Restoring settings would inadvertantly get overwritten by WazeWrap backups.
BUGFIX: Better handling of errors in processing so mask boxes get removed.
BUGFIX: Improper handling of mouse events in some browsers.


16 Aug 21:06
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NEW: Custom text replace variables via sheets.
NEW: Custom tagline setting. (Per comment list or "master")
NEW: More shortcuts: current date, current date casual, current day of week, current time, current time casual, custom tagline, place address, place name, UR type. (Available via UR panel and variable in comments)
NEW: $SELSEGS_WITH_CITY$ : Same as $SELSEGS$, except includes 'in CITY' if selected segment(s) have a matching primary city, or only one has a primary city.
NEW: Link to enable / disable URCE UR filtering added to comment tab.
BUGFIX: Per comment list text boxes not saving correctly.
BUGFIX: Check for ALL $$ in comment before automatically clicking send.
BUGFIX: Selected segments variable replacement could show undefined.


24 Jul 18:38
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BUGFIX: Further refinement of unstacking and selection.
CHANGE: Future deprecation of properties for countries and states.


23 Jul 20:16
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NEW: WazeWrap settings storage ability.
CHANGE: Compatibility with latest WME release.
CHANGE: Cleanup of mutation processing.
BUGFIX: Per comment list settings toggles.


30 Apr 14:55
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NEW: Filter by closed by (comma separated list of usernames)
NEW: Link to Custom Google Spreadsheet on settings tab.
CHANGE: Filter by keyword is now regex compatible.
REMOVED: Filter by type Waze automatic (deprecated)
BUGFIX: Check restrictions and load comment list failed to run during mode change.
BUGFIX: Re-initialization of background tasks failed to run when returning from events mode.
BUGFIX: Alignment of "Use URC-E Master Settings setting" in different locales.
BUGFIX: Zoom out links did not work.
BUGFIX: Switching comment lists could result in incorrect default comments.


12 Apr 18:12
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NEW: Casual day and time shortcut and variable for use in custom comments. (See tooltip)
NEW: Invert filters.
NEW: Filter URs with / without comments from specified user(s).
CHANGE: Slight change to casual times. Afternoon now lasts until 1759 instead of 1359.
CHANGE: $SELSEGS$ no longer gives popup.
CHANGE: New comment box detects variables (text wrapped with $'s) and disables the send button until they are no longer present.
CHANGE: UR Overflow handling now obeys WME layer setting for show/hide closed.
ENHANCEMENT: Longer wait for Waze model to populate countries data.
ENHANCEMENT: Background tasks are temporarily disabled during overflow so data from overflow can be reused for speed.
ENHANCEMENT: Complete overhaul to conform with stricter eslint rules.
ENHANCEMENT: UR marker mouseover now wraps long descriptions at 80 characters to prevent extremely wide popups.
BUGFIX: Loading fails if comment list contains empty row. (again)
BUGFIX: Hard fail changed to Soft fail for UR in URL when UR Panel never appears.
BUGFIX: Username was being added to pill even if the setting was disabled.
BUGFIX: Certain old URC custom addons threw an error due to formatting.

NEW: Restriction system for use by region / country leadership!
NEW: Backup URC-E settings to JSON.
NEW: Restore URC-E settings from backup JSON file.
NEW: Reset URC-E settings to default.
NEW: Create your own Custom List with a Google Spreadsheet!
NEW: Convert your current custom list to a Google Spreadsheet!
ENHANCEMENT: Moved all timeouts into an object.
ENHANCEMENT: Combined banners and panel alerts into single function.
ENHANCEMENT: Append mode / shortcuts / insert comment / etc. now return focus to the new comment box.
ENHANCEMENT: Append mode now ensures there is a blank line before and after the inserted comment.
CHANGE: Auto zoom in on new UR only zooms in for URs with zero comments and you are zoomed out beyond zoom level 5.
CHANGE: Auto center on UR will now recenter the map for ALL URs at the current zoom level.
CHANGE: Auto zoom out after comment will zoom you back to the zoom level you were at when the UR Panel opened.
BUGFIX: Hide without description failed to filter in some instances.
BUGFIX: Some timeouts needed indexing. Now indexed based on random ID generated at time of timeout call.
BUGFIX: Comments erroneously inserted into map comment new comment box as well.
BUGFIX: Pill colors not applying correctly. New color added (see forum thread).
BUGFIX: Custom marker by custom text not working correctly.


06 Mar 22:22
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NEW: Per comment list settings!
ENHANCEMENT: Handle changing to MTE mode and back cleanly.
ENHANCEMENT: Append mode now inserts new comment at cursor position.
ENHANCEMENT: Customizable unstack sensitivity and disable above zoom (zoomed out beyond) level.
ENHANCEMENT: Unstack markers now temporarily hides markers not involved in the unstacking.
ENHANCEMENT: Split Auto set new UR comment (with description) out to not insert on SLURs and added a new setting of Auto set new UR Comment (SLUR).
ENHANCEMENT: Better overflow handling. Now queues sub-quadrants to get ALL URs.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved center on UR (popup link), UR Panel crosshairs click and center on UR function.
ENHANCEMENT: Added dismiss button for over limit message and need translation message.
ENHANCEMENT: Removed unnecessary logging.
BUGFIX: Popup prevented selecting unstacked UR in some situations.
BUGFIX: Unstack / restack routine sometimes flickered the UR markers involved.
BUGFIX: Default comment with $SELSEGS$ did not give popup alert.


04 Mar 19:48
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-NEW: UR overflow handling (aka "backfill").
-NEW: Warning for more than 499 URs on screen when UR overflow is not enabled.
-NEW: Auto refresh setting on zoom / pan.
-CHANGE: Auto center on UR now automatically centers at current zoom level for all levels.
-ENHANCE: Debug logging for marker manipulation now queues into single per manipulation type log message.
-BUGFIX: Filtering intermittent during zooms and other functions.'