Frequency-Guided Diffusion Model with Perturbation Training for Skeleton-Based Video Anomaly Detection
This repository is the official implementation of "Frequency-Guided Diffusion Model with Perturbation Training for Skeleton-Based Video Anomaly Detection"
Video anomaly detection is an essential yet challenging open-set task in computer vision, often addressed by leveraging reconstruction as a proxy task. However, existing reconstruction-based methods encounter challenges in two main aspects: (1) limited model robustness for open-set scenarios, (2) and an overemphasis on, but restricted capacity for, detailed motion reconstruction. To this end, we propose a novel frequency-guided diffusion model with perturbation training, which enhances the model robustness by perturbation training and emphasizes the principal motion components guided by motion frequencies. Specifically, we first use a trainable generator to produce perturbative samples for perturbation training of the diffusion model. During the perturbation training phase, the model robustness is enhanced and the domain of the reconstructed model is broadened by training against this generator. Subsequently, perturbative samples are introduced for inference, which impacts the reconstruction of normal and abnormal motions differentially, thereby enhancing their separability. Considering that motion details originate from high-frequency information, we propose a masking method based on 2D discrete cosine transform to separate high-frequency information and low-frequency information. Guided by the high-frequency information from observed motion, the diffusion model can focus on generating low-frequency information, and thus reconstructing the motion accurately. Experimental results on five video anomaly detection datasets, including human-related and open-set benchmarks, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
├── assets
│ ├── framework.jpg
│ ├── intro.jpg
├── config
│ ├── Avenue
│ │ ├── test.yaml
│ │ ├── test_hr.yaml
│ │ └── train.yaml
│ ├── STC
│ │ ├── test.yaml
│ │ └── train.yaml
│ └── UBnormal
│ ├── test.yaml
│ └── train.yaml
├── environment.yml
├── models
│ ├── common
│ │ └──
│ ├── gcae
│ │ └──
│ ├──
│ └── stsae
│ ├──
│ └──
└── utils
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate FGDMAD
You can download the extracted poses for the datasets HR-Avenue, HR-ShanghaiTech and HR-UBnormal from the GDRive, and this link is provided by a previous work from other researchers.
Place the extracted folder in a ./data
folder and change the configs accordingly.
To train FGDMAD, you can select the different parameters for training the model and inference by different pattern. Here, we list some improtant parameters for training strategy and frequency-guided diffusion process:
- Training strategy:
- perturbe [true / false]: Weather the model is trained by perturbation training using input perturbation;
- weight_perturbe [float number]: The magnitude of input perturbation;
- dct [true / false]: Weather use the DCT to obtain conditioned code. If false, the conditioned code will be encoder by a trainable encoder;
- Frequency-guided diffusion process:
- masked_rate_dct: The mask rate using the DCT masked.
You can update the parameters "data_dir", "test_path" and "dataset_path_to_robust" according to the path where the dataset is stored. Additionally, change the "dir_name" and TensorBoard parameters for better experiment tracking.
To train FGDMAD:
python --config config/[Avenue/UBnormal/STC]/{config_name}.yaml
The training configuration is saved in the relevant experiment directory (/args.exp_dir/args.dataset_choice/args.dir_name
To evaluate the model on the test set, you need to change the following parameters in the configuration file.
- split: 'Test'
- validation: 'False'
- load_ckpt: 'name_of_ckpt'
python --config /args.exp_dir/args.dataset_choice/args.dir_name/config.yaml
Moreover, you can use the flag for human-related (HR) datasets:
- use_hr: False -> just for test. Use the entire version of the dataset or the Human-Related one.
Of course, you also can use the provided configuration file.
python --config /config/[HR-Avenue/HR-STC/UBnormal]/[test.yaml/test_hr.yaml]
The checkpoints for the pretrained models on all datasets can be found in /checkpoints/[HR-Avenue/HR-STC/UBnormal]/train_experiment/checkpoint.ckpt. Note that we have compressed the checkpoints files due to the storage limitation.
python --config /config/[HR-Avenue/HR-STC/UBnormal]/[test.yaml/test_hr.yaml]
This work is built on many amazing research works and open-source projects, thanks a lot to all the authors for sharing!
If you find this repository/work helpful in your research, please consider citing the paper and starring the repo ⭐.
title={Frequency-Guided Diffusion Model with Perturbation Training for Skeleton-Based Video Anomaly Detection},
author={Tan, Xiaofeng and Wang, Hongsong and Geng, Xin},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.03044},