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Releases: Yarden-zamir/ProjectGear


12 Mar 21:41
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Mods added:
-Storage Drawers
-Compact Drawers
-Applied Energistics 2
-Wireless Crafting Terminal 2
-Immersive Cables
-FTB Backup???

Mods updated:
-Apple Core
-Better Builders Wands
-Block Craftery
-Building Gadgets
-Common Capabilities
-Deep Resonance
-Factory Tech
-FTB Utilities
-In Control
-Integrated Dynamics
-Plus TiC
-PneumaticCraft: Repressurized
-Random PSIdeas
-Random Patches
-Ore Veins
-Reborn Core
-Thaumic Restoration
-Worse Solars


-Applied Energistics 2 changes:

  1. Significantly increased power drain. Running even a small network on passive power is not viable.
  2. Removed all liquid storage cells. You can use a tank in the world, or store buckets and create a loader/unloader.
  3. Removed storage cells larger than 4k. External storage is recommended for storing millions of items.
  4. Disabled the molecular assembler. Other mods add autocrafters, and they're slightly more complex to use.
  5. Certus quartz ore no longer generates. There are several ways to turn nether quartz into certus quartz.

-Storage changes:

  1. 1x1 Storage Drawers, 1x1 Compact Drawers and Autoverse barrels store 256 stacks per block.
  2. 1x2 Storage Drawers store 128 stacks per slot, and 2x2 drawers store 64 stacks per block. This also applies to Compact Drawers.
  3. Disabled the Storage Drawers upgrades that increase storage size
  4. Magneticraft shipping containers have been buffed. They now store 1,032,192 items instead of 65,536. This is the equivilant of storing a 3 x 3 x 7 block of barrels.

-Prevented spectre coils from generating RF in case you get one somehow
-Reduced the speed of Open Blocks block breakers (16 > 1 blocks per tick)
-Buffed Open Blocks sprinklers considerably. They consume a lot of water, but are now faster than lilypads of fertility.
-Changed the output of some of the hardened glass recipes. More complex machines now give more hardened glass than simpler ones.
-Botania's weight and bore lenses can now break obsidian
-Made the electrotine ingot's arc furnace recipe cheaper so it's better than using an alloy furnace
-Added a recipe to aluminum brass plates and gears

-Fixed gold brass's alloy furnace and arc furnace recipes. You can now use dust or ingots.
-Fixed Prodigy Tech's carbon plate not having a recipe
-Fixed Railcraft plates being craftable


24 Feb 22:57
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WARNING: The next update will remove Charset Barrels and EZ Storage 2. Move your items somewhere else immediately, or they could be lost!

This update focuses on bug fixes and small tweaks.

Added mods:
-Simple Storage Network
-Custom Main Menu

Removes mods:
-Just The Tips

-Updated to

Updated mods:
-Binnie's Mods
-Botania Tweaks
-Building Gadgets
-Chunk Pregenerator
-Common Capabilities
-Cyclops Core
-Factory Tech
-Fast Workbench
-FTB Utilities
-In Control
-Industrial Renewal
-Integrated Dynamics
-Modular Powersuits
-Ore Excavation
-Plus TiC
-Random Patches
-Rantom Tweaks
-Reborn Core

Changes and fixes:
-Iron Jetpack tweaks:

  1. Increased power drain to 833 RF/t on all jetpacks (except the survivalist's jetpack). A jetpack fully charged with 1,000,000 RF should last 20 minutes.
  2. Reduced jetpack speeds across the board. This should encourage you to pick and choose which jetpack you want.
  3. Reduced RF capacity of survivalist jetpack (10k > 5k). It will still last about 40 minutes.
  4. Survivalist jetpack is now recharged with blaze powder instead of aer vis crystals
  5. Improved the colors of each jetpack

-Fixed several Immersive Engineering issues:

  1. All aluminum cosmetic items were renamed to tin. The aluminum block, slab, ingot, dust and nugget were unchanged.
  2. Those aluminum items are also crafted with tin instead of aluminum
  3. Any recipes requiring steel rods can now use Tinkers' steel tool rods as well
  4. Added the 'stickTin' ore dictionary tag to the aluminum rod to make future recipes easier

-Mob drop changes:

  1. Bats drop guano 50% of the time
  2. Husks drop sand
  3. If they're on fire, husks drop red sand instead
  4. Removed all witch drops. They have a 50% chance to drop 5-9 glowstone and a 50% chance to drop 5-9 redstone instead
  5. Blazes drop 1 blaze rod 50% of the time even if not killed by a player
  6. Spiders and cave spiders drop 1 spider eye 50% of the time even if not killed by a player

-Many script fixes
-Fixed the enchanted book script
-Enchanted book runic altar recipes now require book and quill
-Buffed diesel generator power generation by 4x (4,096 RF/t > 16,384)
-Fixed Time in a Bottle being nerfed instead of buffed. It should now accumulate 5 seconds of time every second.
-Added a coarse gravel block with ContentTweaker
-Made Quark tomes more common in dungeon loot
-Buffed dungeon frequency to be 100x as common as in vanilla
-Mobs will now always retaliate if attacked. Note that on normal and hard, mobs will always attack. This changes only affects easy difficulty.
-Added recipe to Random Things' glowing mushroom
-Luminous dust can be crafted with Quark, RandomThings or Nuclearcraft glowing mushrooms
-Fixed Autoverse barrel storage size. They will now store 64 stacks of items.
-Funky Locomation no longer requires RF
-Made most realistic ore veins larger. Lapis, emerald and diamond veins got a drastic buff (1-3 blocks to around 15 per vein)
-Gold ore now generates on cave walls
-Updated the JEI hidded items list
-The runic alter enchanted book recipes now require a book and quill
-Looting, fortune, soulbound and all CoFH enchantments cost more mana than other enchantments. Mending and frost walker cost much more.
-You can turn 144mb of molten quicklime into limestone in a casting basin
-Added documentation to all Open Blocks items using JEI tooltips
-Crushing coal in an Immersive Engineering crusher gives sulfur 10% of the time
-Added alternative recipes for Magneticraft wire connector, Thermal Foundation servo and tool casing, and Project Red electrotine
-Disabled the teleport pipes from Additional Buildcraft Pipes
-Made Autoverse barrels require slightly more iron
-Melting a cow in a smeltery gives milk
-You can now smelt sulfur in a smeltery to get molten sulfur
-Moved all of the tips from Just The Tips to the new Tips mod
-Added several tips suggested by the community
-Disabled Funky Locomation's frame teleporter
-Added a recipe to Thaumcraft ambient grass
-Disabled Simple Storage Networks' import/export cables


15 Feb 04:11
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-Updated Forge (2807 > 2811)

Updated mods:
-Better Builder's Wands
-Botania Tweaks
-Chisels and Bits
-Chunk Pregenerator
-Click Machine
-CoFH Core
-Common Capabilities
-Cyclops Core
-Fancy Lamps
-Forge Multipart
-FTB Lib
-FTB Utils
-Hammer Core
-In Control
-Integrated Dynamics
-Inventory Tweaks
-Metal Chests
-Mod Tweaker
-Modular Power Suits
-Random Things
-Random Patches
-Random Tweaks
-Ore Veins
-Some Like it Dry
-Steve's Carts
-Thaumic Additions: Reconstructed
-Thaumic Restoration
-The One Probe
-Thermal Foundation
-Thermal Innovation
-Toast Control

Removed mods:
-Earthworks - I'm not a fan of the textures
-Barkifier - Incompatible with Logistics Pipes
-Nutrition - Without negative debuffs, this mod didn't impact gameplay
-Track API - Only required for Immersive Railroading
-Immersive Railroading - Fun to automate, but lags JEI and uses up a lot of RAM for a fairly niche mod

Added mods:
-Login Shield
-EZStorage 2
-Logistics Pipes
-Added Apathetic Mobs
-Advanced Inventory Management

Changes and Fixes:
-Fixed UniDict being aggressive and stripping items of their Ore Dictionary tags
-All three sizes of iron/nickel ore veins are now twice as common
-Random Things' Time in a Bottle now accumulates time 5x as fast (20 > 100 ticks per second)
-Apathetic Mobs now only takes effect in easy difficulty. In normal and hard, mob will attack you as always.
-Disabled those annoying one-block waterfalls in caves
-Disabled CrossroadsMC's copper and tin ore generation
-Fixed ore veins only generating in the overworld
-Disabled Tome of Alkahestry in the config. It was already disabled, but this is cleaner and hided the JEI recipe tab.
-Enabled Quark logs
-Disabled Reliquary's pedestal. This was making some automation tasks too easy.
-Disabled the ejection, injection and input ports from EZStorage 2. The mod no longer interacts with hoppers or pipes. The mod is intended to be an early game storage option before you set up tons of automation.
-Updated Universal Guide and Universal Omniwrench to include the new guide books and wrenches
-Disabled Itemducts, Fluiducts, retrievers, filters and

New Content Tweaker items:
-Pebbles for various stone types (quarried stone, granite, marble, etc)
-Sand pile (replaces Earthworks item)
-Quicklime pile (replaces Earthworks item)
-Upgrade frame
-Wooden frame


02 Feb 06:22
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Added mods:
-Random PSIdeas
-Thaumic Restoration

Removed mods:
-Thaumcraft 6 Aspects for JEI - Thaumic JEI is better

-Ore generation:

Stalactites are ~40% rarer, but contain twice as many ores
Redstone cave ores are twice as common
Iron and copper cave ores are 50% more common
Tin cave ores are 25% rarer
Thaumcraft overworld quartz ore now generates on cave walls instead of in solid rock

-Several smaller script fixes
-Updated the list of biomes that have infinite water. Added ocean oil field and cold biomes, removed aether highlands and temperate rainforest.
-Added a tooltip to the water bucket
-Mekanism machines no longer produce light. This should cause a minor FPS increase.
-Deleted several configs from mods long since removed from the pack
-Fixed UniDict not doing anything
-Enabled and fixed the rotten flesh > leather processing chain
-Fixed Nuclearcraft plating being uncraftable
-Binnie's Genetics machines are now much faster. Their energy drain is per operation, so you now need much more power for them to run at full speed.
-Disabled allowEmissiveItems in the Forge.cfg file. This fixes an issue where some Mekanism machines were invisible in item form.
-Changed the dimension ID of the wasteland biome (4598 > 598). Packing IDs close together improves performance.
-Disabled Modular Powersuits' invisibility module due to troll potential


28 Jan 03:18
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Mods updated:
-Botania Tweaks
-Chisels and Bits
-Click Machine
-Common Capabilities
-Forge Multipart
-FTB Lib
-FTB Utilities
-Integrated Dynamics
-Metal Chests
-Random Things
-Random Patches
-Steve's Carts
-Toast Control

Mods backdated:
/Dank/Null (1.4.46 > 1.4.43) - This fixes an issue where dank nulls where destroying items

Mods added:
-Modular Powersuits
-Tinkers Addons
-Additional Buildcraft Pipes
-Thaumic JEI
-Fancy Lamps
-Thaumic Tinkerer
-Thaumic Periphery
-Thaumic Gadgets
-Thaumic Additions: Reconstructed

Mods removed:
-Ore Excavation Integration
-Lapis Stays in the Enchanting Table
-Grappling Hooks
-Integrated Tunnels

-Disabled Thermal Foundation excavators for invalid metals like silver and platinum
-You can now process ardite ore with Magneticraft
-Berry medley and Natura mushroom soup stack to 64 to match vanilla soup items
-Possibly fixed Rustic's slate recipe
-Railcraft and Immersive Engineering coal coke are ore dictionary compatible
-Added recipe to Nulcearcraft rhodocrosite dust
-The click machine now requires RF to run
-The Fore Lexicon can now convert coal coke
-Increased chance of amber dropping from greatwood leaves (1% > 5%)
-Fixed nether gold ore not being smeltable in a vanilla furnace


18 Jan 02:28
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Fixed ores generating in air

This is a HOTFIX. If you've already downloaded version 1.1.3, you don't need to update unless you plan to play singleplayer. It affects world generation only.

If you have, replace the file at config/oreveins/massive_ore_veins.json with this:


18 Jan 01:55
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Updated mods:
-Buildcraft Compat
-Deep Resonance
-Factory Tech
-FTB Library
-FTB Utilities
-In Control
-McJty Lib
-RFTools Control
-The One Probe

Removed mods:
-Lost Cities

-Several bug fixes
-Updated the Universal Guide to include books from newer mods, and removed books from removed mods
-Updated the Universal Omniwrench to include wrenches from newer mods, and removed wrenches from removed mods
(Note: There's a good chance I missed a few)
-Disabled Thaumcraft's cinnabar and amber generation. These can be found in decaying silverwood and greatwood leaves, respectively.
-Updated the starter inventory to include a Universal Guide and Universal Omniwrench
-Disabled two silver Metal Chests upgrades and two Iron Jetpack coils that don't have any uses
-Stopped rare earths from generating as dungeon loot. The current script is broken because I don't know how to tell LootTweaker to use metadata.
-Mystcraft void and mining ages now generate with a freshly generated spawn. This fixes the ID scrambling problem.


17 Jan 11:10
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Added mods:
-Random PSIdeas
-ModLister (will be removed on release)
-Industrial Renewal
-Connected Textures Mod

Removed mods:
-Integrated Tunnels (Integrated Dynamics is still included)

Changes and fixes:
-Lots of script fixes
-Fixed liquid geodes generating without a shell
-Set biome size to default (reverts 1.1.0 change)
-Created aluminum brass gears and plates with ContentTweaker
-Made brass and aluminum brass items interchangeable. This fixes a few Railcraft recipes.
-Oil now only spawns in oceans, deserts and wasteland biomes
-Nuclearcraft ores now generate in the nether. They can be found in stalactites or sparse ore veins. Note that all veins include all Nuclearcraft ores.
-Improved impure steel textures. Credit to boblovespi.
-Added a recipe to the Mekanism control circuit that requires Mekanism gold wire
-Greatwood trees now drop amber when they are broken or decay
-Added 16 new colored ceramic blocks. These will be used to construct Mystcraft portal frames in the future.
-Disabled Nuclearcraft loot via config
-Many worldgen changes to cut down on cascade worldgen lag:

  1. Disabled liquid geodes, giant gravel/dirt spheres, and copper stalactites
  2. Disabled Railcraft ore generation in favor of Realistic Ore Veins
  3. CoFH World cave coal ore veins are smaller


15 Jan 11:03
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Added mods:
-Random PSIdeas
-ModLister (will be removed on release)
-Industrial Renewal

Changes and fixes:
-Lots of script fixes
-Fixed liquid geodes generating without a shell
-Set biome size to default (reverts 1.1.0 change)
-Created aluminum brass gears and plates with ContentTweaker
-Made brass and aluminum brass items interchangeable. This fixes a few Railcraft recipes.
-Oil now only spawns in oceans, deserts and wasteland biomes
-Nuclearcraft ores now generate in the nether. They can be found in stalactites or sparse ore veins. Note that all veins include all Nuclearcraft ores.
-Improved impure steel textures. Credit to boblovespi.


11 Jan 18:32
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Removed mods:
-Aether Legacy - Exploration is outside of the pack's scope
-Storage Drawers - Removed to encourage Worse Barrels or silos for bulk storage
-Construct's Armory - Combat is outside of the pack's scope
-Tinkers' Aether - Requires Aether Legacy
-Recurrent Complex - Exploration is outside of the pack's scope
-Waystones - Removed to encourage more interesting teleporters such as RFTools or Mystcraft portal hubs
-Better Railroads - Railcraft is getting close to a stable-ish release, and it does this better
-Signals - See above
-BindTweaker - I never ended up using it
-BitHop - Causes server crash loops if placed against certain blocks
-Block Drops Tweaker - I never ended up using it
-WorldEdit - Clutter
-Waddles - Exploration is not in the pack's scope
-Valkyrien Warfare - Unstable and bad for performance
-Tickrate Changer - Nice for testing, but people can install it on their own
-Rockhounding surface - Clutter
-MmmMmmMmmMmm - Clutter
-Gendustry - Too powerful
-More Bees - Too powerful
-Carees Bees - Too powerful
-V0id's Smart Backpacks - Buggy, almost useless in multiplayer. No updates since September
-RFTools Power - Not very interesting
-RFLux - Ugly, and I think the recipes are broken
-Compact Drawers - Requires Storage Drawers
-Toolbelt - No one seemed to use them
-Charset Audio - Clutter
-Charset Immersion - Clutter
-Charset TransportCartsRails - Railcraft does it better
-Vials - I was hoping it would be fun for automation, but I ended up using pipes and tanks
-Chatflow - This mod got added to the pack because long, long ago it was my vanilla+ instance.
-Container Fix - Fixes a very minor bug. It would be better in a vanilla+ pack.
-Fullscreen Windowed - People can add this on their own if they want
-Charset Carry - Cardboard boxes work fine
-Charset Tweaks - Doesn't add anything critical
-Just Enough Pattern Banners - No one will ever use this
-IvToolKit - Core mod for Recurrent Complex
-Nibbler - Unneeded core mod. Used by Bautonomy which got removed ages ago.
-Bed Bugs - The bug this fixes was fixed in Forge in October
-Builders Guides - Clutter
-Clarity - Clutter
-Iron Chests
-Bdlib - Unneeded core mod
-Chameleon - Unneeded core mod
-Farseek - Unneeded core mod
-Natural Pledge - I know absolutely nothing about this mod
-Silverfish - Unneeded core mod
-SilentLib - Unneeded core mod
-Redstone Arsenal - No one seemed to use it, and it's outclassed by Tinkers and Botania
-NoFOV - RandomTweaks adds a keybind for changing the FOV
-Applied Energistics - Too powerful. The major pipe mods are Buildraft, Quark Oddities and conveyor belts. We don't even have Thermal Dynamics or Hopper Ducts!
-Orbis API - Unneeded core mod

Added mods:
-Some Like it Dry
-Thaumcraft 6 Aspects JEI
-Worse Barrels
-Simple Teleporters
-More Furnaces

Updated mods:
-Akashic Tome
-Better Builders Wands
-Binnie's Mods
-Botania Tweaks
-Building Gadgets
-Chisels and Bits
-Chunk Pregenerator
-Content Tweaker
-Craft Tweaker 2
-Cyclops Core
-Deep Resonance
-Factory Tech
-Fancy Block Particles
-Fast Workbench
-FTB Lib
-FTB Utilities
-Immersive Engineering
-Immersive Railroading
-Integrated Dynamics
-Inventory Tweaks
-Iron Jetpacks
-Modular Item Frame
-Morph O Tool
-Ore Excavation
-p455word's Library
-Plus TIC
-Pneumaticraft: Repressurized
-Random Things
-Random Patches
-Random Tweaks
-Ore Veins
-RFTools Control
-Shadowfact's Forelin
-Steve's Carts
-The One Probe
-Tinkers Construct
-Tip The Scales
-TOP Addons

Changes and Fixes:
-Dozens of script fixes
-Changed the entity translocator recipe to use infused ender pearls instead of waystone cores. You can still craft it without one, but you get 1 instead of 16.
-Blitz rod recipe now uses bat wings instead of etherium shards
-Reworked survivalist jetpack recipe
-Disabled Railcraft silver, lead and zinc ore
-Disabled Railcraft's ingots, nuggets and plates. Some recipes might be broken as a result.
-Enabled Quark's alternate block types. This was disabled to save block IDs, but we have Not Enough Block IDs now.
-Reduced rarity of nickel ore in orechids so it's as rare as gold
-Disabled negative effects of Nutrition
-Reduced frequency of vanilla cave ores
-Disabled massive Ore Veins veins. Railcraft fills this role now.
-Upgrades from Grappling Hook, Scannable and Steve's Carts now use a Project Red IC Chip as a blank upgrade
-Bats no longer drop leather
-Disabled ender dragon death sound
-Disabled wither spawn sound
-Renamed both vanilla buttons to stone button/wooden button
-Removed RandomTweaks' death punishment. You no longer lose XP if you die with keepInventory on.
-Disabled crop trampling
-Removed NoFOV. RandomTweaks adds a keybind for that.
-Halved frequency of Quark's spelotheums
-Disabled the Random Things' Nature Core
-Removed rail crafting recipes
-Disabled Quark's fairy rings
-Temporarily disabled Open Computers inscriber recipes and restored normal crafting recipes
-Disabled obsidian, silver and copper furnaces from More Furnaces
-Reworked More Furnaces. Better furnaces are faster, but use more fuel. The diamond furnace can smelt one item per second, but uses one coal per item.
-Disabled the fluid/energy pipes and solar panel from Industrial Renewal
-Reworked Industrial Renewal safety had and safety belt recipes
-Iron Jetpacks leather straps now require slightly less microcrafting
-Disabled OpenModularTurrets disposable item cannon and solar power addon
-Removed silver chests from Metal Chests. You can craft iron chests directly into gold, instead of iron > silver > gold.
-Disabled Mekanism salt generation
-Reduced frequency of medium ore veins to cut down on cave clutter