Releases: YosysHQ/apicula
Releases · YosysHQ/apicula
What's Changed
- Fix another gowin_unpack mistype. by @yrabbit in #285
- Use USB-C UART on Tangnano20k by @yrabbit in #287
- add missing examples to makefile by @pepijndevos in #290
- Fix PLL limits for GW2A-18 C8/I7 by @TrAyZeN in #293
- Fix pll codegen range limit comments by @TrAyZeN in #292
- WIP: Add family footnote to 20k-boards by @TheZoq2 in #296
- Adapt the examples to the latest Yosys by @yrabbit in #297
- Add IEM (Input Edge Monitor) by @yrabbit in #291
- Add IODELAY. by @yrabbit in #295
- Restore CUPCDN with a different bit pattern by @aerkiaga in #301
- Implement FF in IO blocks. by @yrabbit in #298
- Document the MIPI specifics by @yrabbit in #305
- out of tree build by @pepijndevos in #307
- Implement MIPI and I3C primitives by @yrabbit in #306
- Remove examples that use gowin-nextpnr. by @yrabbit in #308
- gowin_pack: fix invalid escape sequence by @whitequark in #304
- LW doc by @yrabbit in #310
- Fix examples in CI by @yrabbit in #313
- Unpack a DFFs with separated inputs from LUTs. by @yrabbit in #311
- Fix the CLKDIV examples. by @yrabbit in #315
- Implement CLKDIV2 and CLKDIV for all boards. by @yrabbit in #316
New Contributors
- @TrAyZeN made their first contribution in #293
- @TheZoq2 made their first contribution in #296
- @aerkiaga made their first contribution in #301
Full Changelog: 0.15...0.16
What's Changed
- add magic sdram pin constraints by @pepijndevos in #280
- Implement EMCU primitive by @yrabbit in #279
- Fix mistype. by @yrabbit in #283
Full Changelog: 0.14...0.15
What's Changed
- Assign missing time delays by @yrabbit in #272
- BUGFIX. Fix dat offset. by @yrabbit in #274
- Remove the magic numbers by @yrabbit in #275
- Use builtin USB-serial by @yrabbit in #276
- Implement the UserFlash primitives. by @yrabbit in #277
- Add DHCEN primitive. by @yrabbit in #261
Full Changelog: 0.13...0.14
What's Changed
- Add PLL pads. by @yrabbit in #241
- Doc. Brief notes on DSP operation by @yrabbit in #246
- Fix CI by @yrabbit in #248
- BUGFIX. Fix BSRAM unpacking. by @yrabbit in #247
- Add description of BSRAM harness by @yrabbit in #249
- Fix IO unpack by @yrabbit in #250
- Describe the BSRAM regs in GW1NR-9C and GW2AR-18C by @yrabbit in #251
- BSRAM. Corrective action. by @yrabbit in #252
- BSRAM BLKSEL fix by @yrabbit in #254
- Clarification in the doc about BSRAM BLKSEL by @yrabbit in #255
- Relax BSRAM initialization data requirements by @yrabbit in #253
- Fix regex by @max-kudinov in #259
- Fix pROM(X9). by @yrabbit in #256
- Implement power saving primitive BANDGAP by @yrabbit in #257
- Fix bits to bytes conversion. by @yrabbit in #265
- Add wire class info by @yrabbit in #266
- Add dynamic clock control by @yrabbit in #260
- HCLK Support by @Seyviour in #258
- HCLK. Primary clock pins by @yrabbit in #263
- Add delays for primary clocks. by @yrabbit in #270
New Contributors
- @max-kudinov made their first contribution in #259
Full Changelog: 0.12...0.13
What's Changed
- Add examples with tiny RISCV by @yrabbit in #236
- Add Functions for Concise Tile Parsing by @Seyviour in #237
- update yosys CI branches by @pepijndevos in #238
- Implement the DSP primitive. by @yrabbit in #239
Full Changelog: 0.11.1...0.12
What's Changed
- BUGFIX: Use parsed device. by @yrabbit in #214
- Doc. Mention SZFPGA (GW1NR-9) board as supported. by @yrabbit in #218
- Refactor dat parser by @DavidVentura in #212
- Fix #219: Python3.8 compatiblity by @DavidVentura in #221
- Properly handle external 9C clock pins by @yrabbit in #222
- Switch crcmod to crc by @pepijndevos in #223
- Add an example for OSER10 using ELVDS pins by @yrabbit in #226
- Add support for four IOLOGICs in one cell by @yrabbit in #227
- switch readme to nextpnr-himbaechel by @pepijndevos in #228
- bump yosys and nextpnr versions by @pepijndevos in #229
- Update workflows by @mmicko in #233
- Extend SDRAM Documentation to Cover GW2AR-18 Devices by @Seyviour in #231
- Examples. Describe the Tangnano4k clock pin. by @yrabbit in #234
- Replace numpy arrays with lists. by @yrabbit in #230
New Contributors
- @DavidVentura made their first contribution in #212
Full Changelog: 0.10.0...0.11.1
What's Changed
- A Parser For Vendor Provided .ini Files by @Seyviour in #205
- himbaechel: Add OSER10 TLVDS example. by @yrabbit in #207
- Himbaechel. Add initial BSRAM support by @yrabbit in #202
- Add 20k devices to readme by @pepijndevos in #209
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.9.1...0.10.0
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 0.9.0...0.9.1
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 0.8.3...0.9.0a1