Simple test apps using C++11/14/17/20.
For C++17 support, use gcc-8 (g++ (Ubuntu 8.2.0-1ubuntu2~18.04) 8.2.0)
- For installation on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
sudo apt install gcc-8
- nullptr
- Data type overflow
- Erase/Remove idiom
- Show type of an object
- Iterator implementation -- simple collection class
- Iterator implementation -- begin and end funcs
- Iterator implementation -- read iterator
- String utilities
- variant
- Bitset usage
- std::bitset + bit algo usage
- Structure bindings
- Tuple usage
- algorithm
- algorithm @
- algorithm @ heap - 01
- algorithm @ heap - 02
- algorithm @ heap - 03
- algorithm @ heap - 04
- Type traits usage - 01
- Type traits usage - 02
- Type traits usage - 03
- Type traits usage - 04
- Calculate elapsed time
- Calculate elapsed time using a generic func
- Print date & time
- Timer functionality with callback
- Manipulate different clocks
- Number of days between two dates
- Determine the day of the week from a date
- Day of the week
- Calendar of a month
- Create a thread simple/pass parameter/lambda
- Thread with managing functions
- Thread with affinity
- Simple mutex
- Recursive mutex
- Lock guard
- Shared mutex
- Shared lock
- Scoped lock
- Unique lock
- Conditional variable
- ASync
- Packaged task
- Future/Promise
- Shared future
- ASync with std::vector<std::future>
- ASync with std::vector<std::future>
- Match an expression
- Search an expression
- Search an expression using interators
- Replace an expression
- Different distribution usage
- Different engine usage
- Mersenne twister
- discrete_distribution
- piecewise_constant_distribution
- piecewise_linear_distribution
- std::atomic
- std::atomic_flag / Spinlock
- std::atomic_uint64_t with exchange
- std::atomic with POD
- std::atomic with shared ptr
- std::stack usage
- std::queue usage
- std::priority_queue usage
- std::map usage
- std::multimap & std::multiset usage
- std::unordered_map, std::unordered_multimap usage
- std::unordered_map with enum class
- std::unordered_map with custom hash or structure
- Find a pair in std::vector
- std::unordered_map access by index
- Container usage of reserve, size and capacity
- Remove an element from the container
- Generate all possible combinations
- Map a value of one range to another range
- General lookup table compile time
- String tokenization