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Martin Scheiber edited this page Apr 26, 2023 · 1 revision

Global Configuration

Some parameters or variables are used in different places across the CNS flight stack. To set these once, modify the <CONFIG>_vars.env file inside your configs folder.

When the flight stack is launched with its launch scripts (see Usage), this global environment file is automatically sourced.

ROS Topics Parameters

  • FS_OPTITRACK_OBJECT_NAME: name of the object in OptiTrack (or other motion capturing system)
  • FS_ESTIMATOR_USE_GNSS: (currently unused) set to true if GNSS-based flight is selected
  • FS_ESTIMATOR_NODE_NAME: node name of the estimator used, see also Configuration:Estimator

Data Recording Parameters

Additional topics for recording can also be set here, to simplify the configuration:

  • FS_RECORD_ADD_DEV<N>_ESTIMATOR: additional estimator/node-based topics
  • FS_RECORD_ADD_DEV<N>_SENSOR: additional sensor topics
  • FS_RECORD_ADD_DEV<N>_CAM: additional camera topics

By setting these variables, it is not necessary to modify the data-recording and -storing scripts.