Massively Multilingual Transfer for NER
The paper was accepted as a long paper in ACL2019.
You can download the datasets from from
If you want to automatically download the dataset using wget/curl use this link instead:
If you use the datasets please cite: Pan, Xiaoman, et al. "Cross-lingual name tagging and linking for 282 languages." Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers). Vol. 1. 2017.
We have partitioned the original datasets into train/test/dev sets for benchmarking our multilingual transfer models: Rahimi, Afshin, Yuan Li, and Trevor Cohn. "Massively Multilingual Transfer for NER." arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.00193 (2019).
title = "Massively Multilingual Transfer for {NER}",
author = "Rahimi, Afshin and
Li, Yuan and
Cohn, Trevor",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics",
month = jul,
year = "2019",
address = "Florence, Italy",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
url = "",
pages = "151--164",
mkdir ./monolingual
for l in af ar bg bn bs ca cs da de el en es et fa fi fr he hi hr hu id it lt lv mk ms nl no pl pt ro ru sk sl sq sv ta tl tr uk vi
wget$l.vec -P ./monolingual
git clone
chmod +x ./
for l in af am ar bg bn bs ca cs da de el en es et fa fi fr he hi hr hu id it lt lv mk ms nl no pl pt ro ru si sk sl so sq sv sw ta tl tr uk uz vi yo
python --tgt_lang en --src_lang $l --tgt_emb ./monolingual/wiki.en.vec --src_emb data/webcrawltxt/wiki.$l.vec --n_refinement 5 --dico_train identical_char
#you can actually only save the mapping, and use it to build the cross-lingual embeddings later.
#the cross-lingual embeddings will be save in MUSE/dumped
cd dumped
for l in af am ar bg bn bs ca cs da de el en es et fa fi fr he hi hr hu id it lt lv mk ms nl no pl pt ro ru si sk sl so sq sv sw ta tl tr uk uz vi yo
sed -i -e 's/^/$l:/' $l.txt
mv $l.txt $l.multi
gzip $l.multi
#now we have files like af.multi.gz where each word begins with langid:, e.g. en:good -0.1 1.2 2.5 ...
cd ../..
from and save it in current directory so that you have ./panx_datasets/en.tar.gz. the panx_datasets address is hardcoded in
using cross-lingual word embeddings and NER datasets (this will create a term-, char- and tag-vocab for datasets, and limits wordembs to vocab in ner dataset). Set the parameters in the code (which languages to build data for, etc.)
python --embs_dir ./MUSE/dumped --ner_built_dir ./datasets/wiki/identchar
python -m single -v 1 -s 0 -batch 1 -lr 0.01 -seed 1 -dir_input datasets/wiki/identchar/ -dir_output experiments/conll/wiki/identchar
Note the indhigh should be 1 and batch size and learning rate are different from lowres settings. -s 1 saves the individual highres models in a directory, which will later be used for annotating data in other languages (langtaglang).
####for wikian datasets
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 nohup python -m single -indhigh 1 -v 1 -s 1 -batch 100 -lr 0.001 -seed 1 -dir_input datasets/wiki/identchar/ -dir_output experiments/wiki/identchar
(requires hlangs llangs and batchsize=20 for conll datasets)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m langtaglang -dir_input datasets/wiki/identchar/ -dir_output experiments/wiki/identchar
Should be executed after langtaglang. this doesn't involve any defferential computation, and just changes the format of langtaglang data (it will be saved in dir_output/bccannotations)
python -m uaggexport -dir_input datasets/wiki/identchar/ -dir_output experiments/wiki/identchar
If you just want to try BEA, instead of the above export, download the exported model predictions from
Example data and code can be found in the 'bea_code' folder. First run 'create_data_wiki.ipynb' to read in raw data (tar files, generated by the previous step) and output csv files. Then run 'run_bea_wiki.ipynb' to obtain results in different settings.
first pretrain on top k (here 10) annotations (sorted by f1 results in taglangtag.json) and then fine-tune on lowres gold data from the target language. to take an average f1 run the model for n times using n different seeds
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m multiannotator -v 1 -unsuptopk 10 -unsupepochs 1000 -unsupgold 0 -unsuplr 5e-3 -unsupsuplr 5e-4 -unsupsupnepochs 5 -seed 1 -dir_input datasets/wiki/identchar/ -dir_output experiments/wiki/identchar
CoNLL is fairly similar to wikian, only lowercase all characters for German transfer. Also remove German for transfer to other languages.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=5 nohup python -m single -indhigh 1 -v 1 -s 1 -batch 20 -lr 0.001 -seed 1 -hlangs es en nl de -llangs es en nl de -dir_input datasets/conll/wiki/identchar/ -dir_output experiments/conll/wiki/identcharlower
#for german characters should be lowercased both in source and target (an extra if in
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m langtaglang -dir_input datasets/wiki/identchar/ -dir_output experiments/wiki/identchar
python -m uaggexport -llangs en es de nl -hlangs en es de nl -dir_input datasets/conll/wiki/identchar/ -dir_output experiments/conll/wiki/identcharlower
Example data and code can be found in the 'bea_code' folder. First run 'create_data_conll.ipynb' to read in raw data (tar files, generated by the previous step) and output csv files. Then run 'run_bea_conll.ipynb' to obtain results in different settings.
python -m multiannotator -v 1 -unsuptopk 3 -unsupepochs 1000 -unsupgold 0 -unsuplr 1e-3 -unsupsuplr 5e-4 -unsupsupnepochs 5 -testannotations 0 -s 0 -seed 0